reklamado sprawdzenia
: 13 mar 2008, 20:13
prosze o przetłumaczenie reklamy lustra:
unique mirror
Beautiful appearance ? Ideal make-up? His rellization enable yuo doubly mirror MPM. From one side is enlargement in three times. His plus merit is lighting Owing to ago you control. Whether perfect lay on cosmetics Mirror say yet beatutiful in the world- właśnie tu w tym zdaniu chodzi mi o lustereczko powiedz przecie ześ najpiękniejsza na świecie! Mirror is easy to use practical and cheap
Unique mirror is a bargain at only 9,99
unique mirror
Beautiful appearance ? Ideal make-up? His rellization enable yuo doubly mirror MPM. From one side is enlargement in three times. His plus merit is lighting Owing to ago you control. Whether perfect lay on cosmetics Mirror say yet beatutiful in the world- właśnie tu w tym zdaniu chodzi mi o lustereczko powiedz przecie ześ najpiękniejsza na świecie! Mirror is easy to use practical and cheap
Unique mirror is a bargain at only 9,99