Political style
: 26 paź 2008, 9:01
witam Wszystkich, mam prosbe o przetlumaczenie niniejszego fragmentu:
"Political style is a coherent repertoire of rethorical conventions depending on aestethic reactions of plitical effect.
The realist style radically separates power and textuality, constructing the political realm as a state of nature and the political actor as someone either rationally calculating vectors of interest and power or foolishly believing in such verbal illusions as laws or ethical ideals.
Since this style operates as the common sense of modern olitical theory, its deconstuction removes a major obstacle to developing alternative concepcions of politics, particularly accounts - such as this one - that highlight artistry."
Z góry wielkie dzieki.
"Political style is a coherent repertoire of rethorical conventions depending on aestethic reactions of plitical effect.
The realist style radically separates power and textuality, constructing the political realm as a state of nature and the political actor as someone either rationally calculating vectors of interest and power or foolishly believing in such verbal illusions as laws or ethical ideals.
Since this style operates as the common sense of modern olitical theory, its deconstuction removes a major obstacle to developing alternative concepcions of politics, particularly accounts - such as this one - that highlight artistry."
Z góry wielkie dzieki.