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Prosze o sprawdzenie wypracowania

: 26 paź 2008, 21:30
autor: rosoladm
Prosze o wytkniecie bledow ;]

tekst ang :

I do not believe in prejudices. I has always believed this is complete nonsense. I changed a sentence until Friday and was a Friday the thirteenth.
The evening I forgot to set the alarm clock and slept in. When I woke up, the watch pointed 7 a.m. I run into the kitchen to eat breakfast , I packed books to the backpack and hasten clothed myself. Before I looked at the clock output, was 7.20 a.m.! A bus arrives at 7.15! In haste put the jacket and shoes and dash run to the bus stop. I sat near old women, in front of me had sat some two teenagers. I was sitting is silence and I was peering in the window, when the girls laughed. At outset I do not know why the girls looked at my shoes, but when I looked at it I thought to literally burn with shame! I had two other shoes! What do I do ? I get off at the next bus stop, and quickly ran to my home to change my shoes. It turned out that I had not with me keys to my house. I started to look for my mobile phone. At first I phoned to my dad whose had gone early to him work. When I changed my shoes I went out because I wonted to go at the bus stop. It was 7,50 a.m. I know that I did not make at first lesson, but I thought that I went to school. The bus arrived at 8,15 a.m. In my school did not happened any more badly luck.
But now I believe in Friday the thirteenth and I am alert when the cat run me my way.

Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie wypracowania

: 29 paź 2008, 9:31
autor: scully_d
aby sprawdzić poprawność twojego tłumaczenia przydałby sie tekst źródłowy, trudno jest tu się domyślać co autor miał na myśli.
Jeśli chcesz sprawdzę twoje wypracowanie, moż…esz przesłać mi je na maila:

Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie wypracowania

: 31 gru 2019, 0:26
autor: volord2

Re: Prosze o sprawdzenie wypracowania

: 22 kwie 2022, 1:41
autor: vlord