Pismo z urzędu do przetłumaczenia
: 10 wrz 2010, 21:08
Proszę o pomoc w przetłumaczeniu tego listu,
Thank you for the completed forms.
I can confirm that as you currently complete Self-Assessment tax returns, any repayment that may be due to you for the 2009-10 tax year will be dealt with when your 2009-10 tax return is received and processed.
Nie rozumiem co urzędnik ma na myśli, dodam tylko ż e wysłałem papiery do rozliczenia tax.
Thank you for the completed forms.
I can confirm that as you currently complete Self-Assessment tax returns, any repayment that may be due to you for the 2009-10 tax year will be dealt with when your 2009-10 tax return is received and processed.
Nie rozumiem co urzędnik ma na myśli, dodam tylko ż e wysłałem papiery do rozliczenia tax.