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Odpisz Ed'owi na list.

: 27 lut 2011, 0:46
autor: aniitusiia
Witam, bardzo proszę o odpisanie na poniż…szy list w języku angielskim.
Z góry bardzo dziękuję! :)

Hi, Al!
How are you doing? You know, I have a big problem and I need your help.
My PE teacher asked me to organise the Sports Day at school.
On this day all the kids will watch or take part in different sports competitions.
I just need to think what disciplines there will be. And I have no idea!
Well, in fact I have on - we have a big swimming pool, so we could have some water sports, but is it going to be popular?
What would you do if you were in my shoes? Please, please help me! I'm so stressed I can't think of anything!
Say hello to your sister, Ed.

Re: Odpisz Ed'owi na list.

: 01 sty 2020, 5:26
autor: volord2

Re: Odpisz Ed'owi na list.

: 22 kwie 2022, 18:47
autor: vlord