poprawki w tłumaczeniu
: 10 lut 2014, 18:28
uwaga! dnia 25.02.2014 o godzinie 18 organizujemy miedzynarodowy wieczor kulinarny. odbedzie sie on w szkole numer 4 przy ulicy Zielonej 15. prosimy o przyniesienie dan popularnych w swoim regionie. podczas tego wieczoru bedzie mozna obejrzec kulinarny popid Gordona Ramsaya i poznac jego nowe sekretne receptury. bedzie mozliwosc sprobowania kazdego z dan. serdecznie zapraszamy
25th February, 2014 at 6 p.m. we are organizing International Culinary Evening. It is taking place in 4th school (Zielona 15th Street). We would like you to take your own meals which are popular in your region. During this event, you will be able to watch Gordon Ramsay's culinary show and meet his new, secret recipe. Every meal can be tasted.
25th February, 2014 at 6 p.m. we are organizing International Culinary Evening. It is taking place in 4th school (Zielona 15th Street). We would like you to take your own meals which are popular in your region. During this event, you will be able to watch Gordon Ramsay's culinary show and meet his new, secret recipe. Every meal can be tasted.