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Re: prosze o tłumaczenie (ang --> pol)

: 05 maja 2005, 21:19
autor: Visitor
NIEMUSI TO BYC CALY TEKST BYLEBY ZROZUMIEC ZASADY TEJ GRY, jakiej gry to sie dowie osoba ktora to przeczyta

Drawing Train Cards
There are eight types of regular Train cards, in quantities of 12 each, and 14 Locomotive
cards. The colors of each type of Train card match the colors of various routes between
cities on the board – Purple, Blue, Orange, White, Green, Yellow, Black, and Red.
If a player chooses to draw Train cards, he may draw two cards per turn. Either of these cards can be drawn from the five face-up cards next to the
board or from the top of the deck (blind draw). If drawing a face-up card, the player must immediately replace it with a new card taken from the
top of the draw pile. If a player selects a face-up Locomotive card, it is the only card he may pick this turn (see Locomotives).
If, at any time, three of the five face-up Train cards are Locomotives, all five cards are immediately discarded, and five new cards turned face-up
to replace them.
A player may have any number of cards in his hand at any time. When the draw pile is exhausted, the discards are reshuffled into a new draw pile
deck. The cards must be shuffled thoroughly, since they will usually have been discarded in sets.
In the unlikely event there are no cards left in the deck, and no discards available to shuffle as a result of players hoarding cards in their hands, a
player will not be able to draw Train cards. He must then Claim a Route, Draw Destination Tickets or Build a Station.
Locomotives are multi-colored, and act as wild cards in the game.
Locomotive cards can be played along with any set of cards when claiming a route. They are also vital to claiming
Ferry routes (see Ferries).
If a face-up Locomotive card is picked during a card draw, it must be the only card picked that turn. If a Locomotive is turned over as a replacement
for a first card drawn during the turn, or if a Locomotive is available face-up but not picked up as the first (and only) card, it cannot be selected as
a second card.
However, if a player is lucky enough to get a Locomotive from the top of the deck in a blind draw, it still counts as a single card and he may still draw
a total of two cards that turn.
Claiming Routes
A route is a set of continuous colored spaces (in some instances, gray
spaces) between two adjacent cities on the map. To claim a route, a player
must play a set of Train cards whose color and quantity match the color
and number of spaces of the chosen route.
Most routes require a specific set of colored cards to claim them.
Locomotives can always act as a stand-in for any given color (See
example 1).
Routes that are Gray can be claimed using a set of cards of any one color
(See example 2).
When a route is claimed, the player places one of his plastic trains on
each of the spaces of the route. All the cards from the set used to claim
the route are then discarded. The player then immediately records his
score by moving his Scoring Marker the appropriate number of spaces
along the Scoring Track, per the Route Scoring Table on page 7.
A player may claim any open route on the board. He is never required to
connect to any of his previously played routes.

A route must be claimed in its entirety during a single turn. For example,
you cannot lay two trains on a three-space route and wait for the next
turn to lay the third train.
No more than one route may be claimed in a given player’s turn.
Double - Routes
Some cities are connected by Double-Routes. These are routes whose spaces are parallel and equal in
number from one city to the other. One player can never claim both routes between the same cities during
the course of the game.
Be aware of routes that are partially parallel to each other but are linked to different cities. These arenot double-routes.

Important Note: In two or three player games, only one of the Double-Routes can be used. A player can claim either
of the two routes between cities, but the other route is then closed to the other players for the remainder of the game.

Ferries are special Gray routes linking two adjacent cities
across a body of water. They are easily identified by the
Locomotive icon(s) featured on at least one of the spaces
making the route.
To claim a Ferry Route, a player must play a Locomotive card for each
Locomotive symbol on the route, and the usual set of cards of the proper
color for the remaining spaces of that Ferry Route.
Tunnels are special routes that are easily identified by the special tunnel marks and outlines
surrounding each of their spaces.
What makes a tunnel special is that a player is never quite certain just how long the route he is
trying to claim will be!
When attempting to claim a Tunnel route, a player first lays down the number of cards required by the length
of the route. Then the three top cards from the Train draw pile are turned face-up. For each card revealed
whose color matches the color of the cards played to claim the Tunnel, an additional card of the same color (or a Locomotive) must now be played from his hand. Only then can the player successfully claim the Tunnel route.

If the player does not have enough additional Train cards of the matching color (or does not wish to play them), he may take all his cards back in
his hand, and his turn ends.
At the end of the turn, the three Train cards revealed for the Tunnel are discarded.
Remember that Locomotives are multi-colored wild cards. As such, any Locomotive card drawn from the top of the Train draw pile during an attempt
to go through a tunnel will automatically match the color of the train cards played on the route, and force the player to play an additional card.
If a player attempts to go through a Tunnel using Locomotive cards exclusively, he will only have to play additional cards (which must be additional
Locomotives in this case) if Locomotives show up among the three cards drawn for the Tunnel.
In the rare event there is not enough cards available in the draw and discard piles to reveal 3 cards and determine the effect of the tunnel on a player,
then only those cards that are available are revealed. If, as a result of players hoarding cards, there are none to be revealed, a tunnel can be
claimed without risking additional cards.
Drawing Destination Tickets
A player can use his turn to draw additional Destination Ticket cards. To do so, he draws three new cards from the
top of the Destination Ticket Deck. If there are less than three Destination Tickets left in the deck, the player only
draws the cards that are available.
A player drawing Tickets must keep at least one of them, but may choose to keep two, or all three. Any drawn Ticket
not kept in hand is placed at the bottom of the Destination Ticket Deck. Tickets drawn and not immediately discarded
must be kept until the end of the game. They cannot be discarded during a later Ticket draw.
The cities listed on a Destination Ticket represent travel goals for the player; they can result in a bonus or a penalty.
If, by the end of the game, a player has created a continuous path of his color plastic trains between the two
cities named on a Destination Ticket he holds, he scores the additional points indicated by the Point Value on the
Ticket. If he has failed to complete a continuous path between those cities, he deducts the Point Value on the Ticket
from his total score.
Destination Tickets are kept secret from other players until the game’s final scoring. A player may have any number of Destination Tickets during
the game.

Building a train station
A Train Station allows its owner to use one, and only one, of the routes belonging
to another player, into (or out of) that city to help him connect the cities on his
Destination Tickets.
Stations may be built on any unoccupied city, even if it currently has no claimed routes
into it. Two players may never build a Station in the same city.
Each player may build a maximum of one Station per turn, and three Stations throughout
the course of the game.
To build his first Station, a player plays and discards one Train card from his hand,
and places one of his colored Train Stations on the chosen city.To build a second
Station, the player must play and discard a set of two cards of any one color; and to
build his third, a set of three Train cards of any one color. As usual, you can replace
any number of cards by Locomotives.
If a player uses the same Station to help connect cities on several different Tickets, he must use the same route into the city with the Station for all
of those Tickets. The Train Station owner does not need to decide which route he will use until the end of the game.
A player is never required to build any Stations. For each Station a player has not used, four points are added to his score at the end of the game.
Game End
When any one player’s stock of colored plastic trains gets down to two trains or less at the end of his turn, each player,
including that player, gets one final turn. The game then ends and players calculate their final scores.
Calculating Scores
Players should have already accounted for the points they
earned as they completed various routes. To make sure no
mistakes were made, you may want to recount the points
for each player’s routes.
Players must then reveal all of their Destination Tickets. The
value of successfully completed tickets is added to their
total score. The value for any incomplete Tickets is deducted
from their total score.
Remember that each Station played allows its owner to use
one (and only one) route belonging to another player into
that City for the purpose of completing a Destination Ticket.
If a player uses the same Station to help connect cities on
the paths of several different Destination Tickets, he must
use the same route into or out of the city with the Station
for all Tickets.
Add to the score of each player four points for each unplayed Station they still have in reserve.
Finally, give the 10 point bonus for the European Express to the player(s) who have the Longest Continuous Path on the board. When evaluating and
comparing path lengths, only take into account continuous lines of plastic trains of the same color. A continuous path may include loops, and pass
through the same city several times, but a given plastic train may never be used twice in the same continuous path. Stations, and the opponents’
routes they may provide access to, do not count for the purpose of computing paths and claiming the longest one. If several players are tied for the
longest path, they each receive the 10 points bonus from the European Express card.
The player with the most points wins the game. If two or more players are tied with the most points, the player who has completed the most
Destination Tickets is the winner. If still tied, the player who used the least number of Stations is declared the winner. In the unlikely event players
are still tied, the player with the European Express bonus card wins.

Re: prosze o tłumaczenie (ang --> pol)

: 02 sty 2020, 17:03
autor: volord2

Re: prosze o tłumaczenie (ang --> pol)

: 23 kwie 2022, 15:48
autor: vlord