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Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 7:52
autor: Visitor
prosze o sprawdzenie i korekte bledow, dziekuje

The next day from Ela Zapendowska life.

I live in Kozie Doly, have a husband and 3 months old daughter Kate. My common day begins at 5.00am morning when my daughter is getting up. I get up, then prepare meal for my lovely Kate and change her nappy. About 5.20am I make a breakfast to work for my husband Tom.
After all that activities I’m going to bad again. Usually about 8.00am my Kate is crying because of hungry so I have to give her something to eat. After eating about 8.30am I have some time for myself when I’m having a shower and eat a breakfast. When noon is coming I make a dinner for my family. Past 1.00pm I go walking to park with my daughter for 2 hours. Before 3.00pm we get back home and wait with dinner for Tom and after that we eat together a delicious meal, and then we have a rest before a TV set. At 4.30pm we go by car for shopping, and after that we go back home for rest, eat something and have a cup of tea. In the evening about 7.30pm I wash my daughter Kate what she likes a lot. After that I have to give her something to eat and than I lie her down to bed. In the same time my husband prepares a supper for us which we eat past 8.00pm. After all that heavy duties we go to bed and fall asleep before a TV. That’s how my usually day looks like.


Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 9:12
autor: Visitor
I live in Kozie Doly, I have a husband and 3 months old daughter Kate. My common day begins at 5.00am morning when my daughter gets up. I get up, then prepare meal for my lovely Kate and change her nappy. About 5.20am I make a breakfast to work for my husband Tom.
After all that activities I’m going to bad again. Usually about 8.00am my Kate is crying because of hungry so I have to feed her. After eating about 8.30am I have some time for myself. I’m having a shower and I’m eating a breakfast. When noon is coming I make a dinner for my family. After 1.00pm I go walking to park with my daughter for 2 hours. Before 3.00pm we get back home and wait with a dinner for Tom and after that we eat together a delicious meal. Afterwards we have a rest in front of TV. At 4.30pm we go by car for shopping, and after that we go back home for rest, eat something and have a cup of tea. In the evening about 7.30pm I wash my daughter Kate what she likes a lot. After that I have to give her something to eat and than I lie her down in bed. In the same time my husband prepares a supper for us which we eat past 8.00pm. After all that heavy duties we go to bed and fall asleep in front of TV. That’s how my usually day looks like.


Nie jestem tego sam stuprocentwo pewny!! Jesli sam popelniam bledy prosze o ich korekcje takze!!
Taka wskazowka na przyszlosc to pisz zdania jak najkrotsze.... im krotsze zdanie tym mniej prawdopodoienstwo ze bledy zostana popelnione. Pozdrawiam hazy

Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 9:25
autor: Visitor
I live in Kozie Doly, I have a husband and a 3-month-old daughter, Kate. My common day begins at 5.00am when my daughter gets up. I get up, then prepare meal for my lovely Kate and change her nappy. About 5.20am I make breakfast for my husband, Tom so that he takes it to work.
After all these activities I go to bed again. Usually about 8.00am my Kate cries because she is hungry. That's why I have to feed her. After eating about 8.30am I have some time for myself. I’m have a shower and I eat breakfast. When noon is coming I make dinner for my family. After 1.00pm I go for a 2-hour stroll to the park with my daughters. Before 3.00pm we get back home and wait with a dinner for Tom and after that we eat a delicious meal together. Afterwards we have a rest in front of TV. At 4.30pm we go shopping by ca, and after that we go back home for rest, eat something and have a cup of tea. About 7.30pm in the evening I wash my daughter Kate, which she likes a lot. After that I have to give her something to eat and then I put her into a bed. At the same time my husband prepares supper, which we eat after 8.00pm. After all theset heavy duties we go to bed and fall asleep in front of TV. That’s what my usuall day looks like.

Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 9:51
autor: Visitor
I live in Kozie Doly, I have a husband and a 3 months old daughter Kate. My common day begins at 5.00 a.m. in the morning when my daughter gets up. I get up, then prepare a meal for my lovely Kate and change her nappy. About 5.20 a.m. I make lunch for work for my husband Tom.
After all these activities I’m going to bed again. Usually, at about 8.00 a.m. my Kate is crying because she is hungry, so I have to feed her. After eating, at about 8.30 a.m. I have some time for myself. I take a shower and I eat a breakfast. When noon comes, I make a dinner for my family. After 1.00 p.m. I go walking to park with my daughter for 2 hours. Before 3.00 p.m. we get back home and wait with a dinner for Tom. After that we eat a delicious meal together. Afterwards, we have a rest in front of TV. At 4.30 p.m. we go shopping by car, and after that we go back home to rest, eat something and have a cup of tea. In the evening, around 7.30 p.m., I wash my daughter Kate, which she likes a lot. After that I have to give her something to eat and than I lie her down in bed. In the same time my husband prepares a supper for us, which we eat after 8.00 p.m. Having finished all that labour we go to bed and fall asleep in front of TV. That is how my usual day looks like.


Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 9:54
autor: Visitor
Ach, prawda, przed "breakfast" i "supper" bez a lub the.

Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 9:56
autor: Visitor
My ordinary/typical day OR My everyday routine [piszemy o typowym dniu; wszystko, co typowe lub w pewien sposób regularne opisujemy w Present Simple]

[quote]I live in Kozie Doly, I have a husband and a 3-month-old daughter Kate/ and a baby-daughter Kate. My common day begins at 5.00am morning when my daughter gets up. I get up, then prepare meal for my lovely Kate and change her nappy. About 5.20am I make/prepare breakfast to work for my husband Tom.
After all that activities/After that I go to bed again. Usually about 8.00am Kate starts crying because she's hungry so I have to feed her. After feeding, about 8.30am I have some time for myself. I have a shower and eat breakfast. When noon comes/At noon I make/prepare dinner for my family. After 1.00pm I go for a walk with my daughter. We usually go to the park and spend there about 2 hours. We get/come back home before 3.00pm and wait with dinner for Tom/till Tom comes back from work. After dinner we relax in front of TV. At 4.30pm we take a car and go shopping. After shopping we go back home and have some rest,. We have a snack and a cup of tea. In the evening about 7.30pm I bathe my daughter. She likes it a lot/She enjoys it very much/She just loves it. Then I feed her and put her to bed. In the meantime my husband prepares supper for us. We usually have it past 8.00pm. Then we finally can go to bed. We usualyy fall asleep in front of TV. That’s/this is how my usual/typical/ordinary day looks like.

1. Nie było źle. Całkiem sprawnie sobie poradziliście oboje/obie [?]
2. Waż…na sprawa - wszystkie regularnie powtarzające się czynności ZAWSZE opisujemy w Present Simple. Wyjątkiem są zwyczaje (zwykle cudze), które nas irytują, ale to już… zupełnie inna para kaloszy.
3. Przed posiłkami NIGDY nie ma article. Warto to sobie zapamiętać. "Snack", czyli przekąska, nie jest traktowana jako posiłek.
4. Racja - zdania powinny byc krótsze. Są wtedy nie tylko bardziej zrozumiałe, ale przede wszystkim układając je myślimy po angielsku, a nie po polsku. Zadanie nie polega na wymyśleniu czegos i mozolnym przetłumaczeniu na angielski. Wtedy wychodzi nam "Polglish", czyli ż…artobliwie mówiąc polsko-angielski. Od POCZĄTKU do KO—CA staramy się mysleć w języku, w jakim piszemy. Na początku moż…e to się wydawać trudne, ale naprawdę warto. Znacznie ułatwi nam to opanowanie danego języka.
5. Oprócz korekty, po ukosnikach podałam tu inne mozliwości do wykorzystania w danym przypadku. W wielu przypadkach brzmią takż…e bardziej naturalnie - są po prostu "bardziej po angielsku". Przy okazji poszerzają nam zakres słów i wyraż…eń w danym kontekście.

Mam nadzieję, ż…e udało mi się nie tylko pomóc, ale też… rozwiać niektóre wątpliwości powstałe podczas pisania tekstu. Zresztą, jako lektorowi i tłumaczowi z wieloletnim staż…em trudno byłoby mi przejśc obojętnie wobec prośby o pomoc :)

Pozdrawiam serdecznie ż…ycząc wytrwałości i satysfakcji w nauce.


Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 9:57
autor: Visitor
My ordinary/typical day OR My everyday routine [piszemy o typowym dniu; wszystko, co typowe lub w pewien sposób regularne opisujemy w Present Simple]

[quote]I live in Kozie Doly, I have a husband and a 3-month-old daughter Kate/ and a baby-daughter Kate. My common day begins at 5.00am morning when my daughter gets up. I get up, then prepare meal for my lovely Kate and change her nappy. About 5.20am I make/prepare breakfast to work for my husband Tom.
After all that activities/After that I go to bed again. Usually about 8.00am Kate starts crying because she's hungry so I have to feed her. After feeding, about 8.30am I have some time for myself. I have a shower and eat breakfast. When noon comes/At noon I make/prepare dinner for my family. After 1.00pm I go for a walk with my daughter. We usually go to the park and spend there about 2 hours. We get/come back home before 3.00pm and wait with dinner for Tom/till Tom comes back from work. After dinner we relax in front of TV. At 4.30pm we take a car and go shopping. After shopping we go back home and have some rest,. We have a snack and a cup of tea. In the evening about 7.30pm I bathe my daughter. She likes it a lot/She enjoys it very much/She just loves it. Then I feed her and put her to bed. In the meantime my husband prepares supper for us. We usually have it past 8.00pm. Then we finally can go to bed. We usualyy fall asleep in front of TV. That’s/this is how my usual/typical/ordinary day looks like.

1. Nie było źle. Całkiem sprawnie sobie poradziliście oboje/obie [?]
2. Waż…na sprawa - wszystkie regularnie powtarzające się czynności ZAWSZE opisujemy w Present Simple. Wyjątkiem są zwyczaje (zwykle cudze), które nas irytują, ale to już… zupełnie inna para kaloszy.
3. Przed posiłkami NIGDY nie ma article. Warto to sobie zapamiętać. "Snack", czyli przekąska, nie jest traktowana jako posiłek.
4. Racja - zdania powinny byc krótsze. Są wtedy nie tylko bardziej zrozumiałe, ale przede wszystkim układając je myślimy po angielsku, a nie po polsku. Zadanie nie polega na wymyśleniu czegos i mozolnym przetłumaczeniu na angielski. Wtedy wychodzi nam "Polglish", czyli ż…artobliwie mówiąc polsko-angielski. Od POCZĄTKU do KO—CA staramy się mysleć w języku, w jakim piszemy. Na początku moż…e to się wydawać trudne, ale naprawdę warto. Znacznie ułatwi nam to opanowanie danego języka.
5. Oprócz korekty, po ukosnikach podałam tu inne mozliwości do wykorzystania w danym przypadku. W wielu przypadkach brzmią takż…e bardziej naturalnie - są po prostu "bardziej po angielsku". Przy okazji poszerzają nam zakres słów i wyraż…eń w danym kontekście.

Mam nadzieję, ż…e udało mi się nie tylko pomóc, ale też… rozwiać niektóre wątpliwości powstałe podczas pisania tekstu. Zresztą, jako lektorowi i tłumaczowi z wieloletnim staż…em trudno byłoby mi przejśc obojętnie wobec prośby o pomoc :)

Pozdrawiam serdecznie ż…ycząc wytrwałości i satysfakcji w nauce.


Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 9:58
autor: Visitor
My ordinary/typical day OR My everyday routine [piszemy o typowym dniu; wszystko, co typowe lub w pewien sposób regularne opisujemy w Present Simple]

[quote]I live in Kozie Doly, I have a husband and a 3-month-old daughter Kate/ and a baby-daughter Kate. My common day begins at 5.00am morning when my daughter gets up. I get up, then prepare meal for my lovely Kate and change her nappy. About 5.20am I make/prepare breakfast to work for my husband Tom.
After all that activities/After that I go to bed again. Usually about 8.00am Kate starts crying because she's hungry so I have to feed her. After feeding, about 8.30am I have some time for myself. I have a shower and eat breakfast. When noon comes/At noon I make/prepare dinner for my family. After 1.00pm I go for a walk with my daughter. We usually go to the park and spend there about 2 hours. We get/come back home before 3.00pm and wait with dinner for Tom/till Tom comes back from work. After dinner we relax in front of TV. At 4.30pm we take a car and go shopping. After shopping we go back home and have some rest,. We have a snack and a cup of tea. In the evening about 7.30pm I bathe my daughter. She likes it a lot/She enjoys it very much/She just loves it. Then I feed her and put her to bed. In the meantime my husband prepares supper for us. We usually have it past 8.00pm. Then we finally can go to bed. We usualyy fall asleep in front of TV. That’s/this is how my usual/typical/ordinary day looks like.

1. Nie było źle. Całkiem sprawnie sobie poradziliście oboje/obie [?]
2. Waż…na sprawa - wszystkie regularnie powtarzające się czynności ZAWSZE opisujemy w Present Simple. Wyjątkiem są zwyczaje (zwykle cudze), które nas irytują, ale to już… zupełnie inna para kaloszy.
3. Przed posiłkami NIGDY nie ma article. Warto to sobie zapamiętać. "Snack", czyli przekąska, nie jest traktowana jako posiłek.
4. Racja - zdania powinny byc krótsze. Są wtedy nie tylko bardziej zrozumiałe, ale przede wszystkim układając je myślimy po angielsku, a nie po polsku. Zadanie nie polega na wymyśleniu czegos i mozolnym przetłumaczeniu na angielski. Wtedy wychodzi nam "Polglish", czyli ż…artobliwie mówiąc polsko-angielski. Od POCZĄTKU do KO—CA staramy się mysleć w języku, w jakim piszemy. Na początku moż…e to się wydawać trudne, ale naprawdę warto. Znacznie ułatwi nam to opanowanie danego języka.
5. Oprócz korekty, po ukosnikach podałam tu inne mozliwości do wykorzystania w danym przypadku. W wielu przypadkach brzmią takż…e bardziej naturalnie - są po prostu "bardziej po angielsku". Przy okazji poszerzają nam zakres słów i wyraż…eń w danym kontekście.

Mam nadzieję, ż…e udało mi się nie tylko pomóc, ale też… rozwiać niektóre wątpliwości powstałe podczas pisania tekstu. Zresztą, jako lektorowi i tłumaczowi z wieloletnim staż…em trudno byłoby mi przejśc obojętnie wobec prośby o pomoc :)

Pozdrawiam serdecznie ż…ycząc wytrwałości i satysfakcji w nauce.


Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 13 maja 2005, 13:31
autor: Visitor
dziekuje wszystkim bardzo

pozdrawiam :)

Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 14 maja 2005, 12:39
autor: Visitor
Dear translators. Don't lie down children in bed. It's phaedofilia!

Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 02 sty 2020, 20:25
autor: volord2

Re: prosze o sprawdzenie [ang]

: 23 kwie 2022, 18:11
autor: vlord