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Re: cant

: 12 lip 2005, 12:34
autor: Visitor
Co znaczy słowo cant? Co obraźliwego znaczy????
Prosze o pomoc

Re: cant

: 12 lip 2005, 12:58
autor: Visitor
moze chodzi ci o slowo cunt? jest obrazliwe, jesli chodzi o cant to moze jest to polaczenie can not, czyli can't.

Re: cant

: 12 lip 2005, 13:47
autor: Visitor
1 [uncountable] insincere talk about moral or religious principles by someone who is pretending to be better than they really are
2 [uncountable] formal special words used by a particular group of people, especially in order to keep things secret [= slang]:
thieves' cant

cant(2) [intransitive and transitive]
to lean, or make something lean

Re: cant

: 24 kwie 2022, 5:17
autor: vlord