Re: Z angielskiego na polski, proszę o pomoc
: 25 lip 2005, 12:50
Czy ktoś, mógłby mi przetłumaczyć poniż
sze zdania. Z góry bardzo dziękuję.
(tłumaczę napisy i mam problem z tymi zdaniami)
1.And your cousin doesn’t like the diagnosis?
2.I wouldn’t either.
3.Whatever she’s got is highly unlikely
4.No wonder you’re such a renowned diagnostician. You don’t need to actually know anything to figure out what’s wrong.
5.That you know of.
6.And she’s not responding to radiation treatment.
7.And she’s not responding to radiation treatment.
8.None of which is even close to dispositive.
9.All it does is raise one question.
10.Come on! Why leave all the fun for the coroner?
(tłumaczę napisy i mam problem z tymi zdaniami)
1.And your cousin doesn’t like the diagnosis?
2.I wouldn’t either.
3.Whatever she’s got is highly unlikely
4.No wonder you’re such a renowned diagnostician. You don’t need to actually know anything to figure out what’s wrong.
5.That you know of.
6.And she’s not responding to radiation treatment.
7.And she’s not responding to radiation treatment.
8.None of which is even close to dispositive.
9.All it does is raise one question.
10.Come on! Why leave all the fun for the coroner?