Re: ang.i polski tlumacz.
: 12 sie 2005, 21:46
Tak ladnie prosze o pomoc.. moze to nie bedzie az tak trudne do tlumaczenia. Jesli nie a calosci to chec w czesci:)
I has been raining whole the morning. And it wasn't nice morning. I've received copy of letter from Dutch work office - Centrum for Werk en Inkomen, which basically stated that I won't be able to work here. For several hours I've been hanging on the phone trying to sort it out and finally I managed to find a temprorary solution. Neverthless, my good humour dissapeared. But not for long I hope. Cause after the rain, the rainbow comes... Doesn't it : ) ?
I has been raining whole the morning. And it wasn't nice morning. I've received copy of letter from Dutch work office - Centrum for Werk en Inkomen, which basically stated that I won't be able to work here. For several hours I've been hanging on the phone trying to sort it out and finally I managed to find a temprorary solution. Neverthless, my good humour dissapeared. But not for long I hope. Cause after the rain, the rainbow comes... Doesn't it : ) ?