Re: tlumacze swoj kontrakt - i mam problem - ang. pomozcie!
: 13 lis 2005, 0:32
Jeszcze raz wielka prosba o pomoc w tlumaczeniu, dziekuje tez za wczesniejsza pomoc!
Mam problem z przetlumczeniem dwoch zdan:
1.Your employment does not carry any pension rights
2. For the sake of completeness I have set these out so that all the requirements of the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 are complied with.
Mam problem z przetlumczeniem dwoch zdan:
1.Your employment does not carry any pension rights
2. For the sake of completeness I have set these out so that all the requirements of the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 are complied with.