Re: poprosze na angielski - krotki smsik :-)
: 13 lis 2005, 22:01
autor: Visitor
Bardzo mi przykro kochanie,ale juz dzisiaj do ciebie nie przyjade. Przyjechal mojej mamy brat z rodzina oraz mojej mamy kuzynka,ktora nie mieszka na co dzien w Poznaniu. Jutro na pewno sie zobaczymy - chociaz na chwile.
Re: poprosze na angielski - krotki smsik :-)
: 13 lis 2005, 22:49
autor: Visitor
I'm really sorry my darling, but I'll not be able to come to you today. I't caused by visit my mother's family who doesn't live in Poznań. We will meet tomorrow for sure- at least for moment.
Re: poprosze na angielski - krotki smsik :-)
: 13 lis 2005, 22:50
autor: Visitor
I'm really sorry my darling, but I'll not be able to come to you today. It's caused by visit my mother's family who doesn't live in Poznań. We will meet tomorrow for sure- at least for moment.