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Re: social security pension act, prosze o pomoc w tlumaczeniu!

: 16 lis 2005, 1:40
autor: Visitor
Prosze pomozcie uporac sie z tym
your employment with Mara is not contracted out under the Social Security Pension Act.
Stakeholder Pension Scheme
Mileage claim


Re: social security pension act, prosze o pomoc w tlumaczeniu!

: 16 lis 2005, 8:26
autor: Stereokinetic Phenomenon
(national) social security act - Ustawa o Powszechnym Ubezpieczeniu Społecznym
Pension Scheme to poprostu system emerytalny, nie wiem jednak co ma tutaj oznaczac to Stakeholder, normalnie jest to poprostu "zainteresowany/zaangazowany/udzialowiec" etc,
Mileage claim - moze jakis kontekst?

Re: social security pension act, prosze o pomoc w tlumaczeniu!

: 16 mar 2022, 9:04
autor: DanielGreen
by putting such posts is good as others can get benefit from these experienced individuals. i would like to appreciate the efforts of people who told me about pensia de urmas and gave a lot of other info on this forum. I am hopeful that others will do this as well

Re: social security pension act, prosze o pomoc w tlumaczeniu!

: 18 mar 2022, 15:23
autor: ChokeSlam
bardzo dobry tekst. Moim zdaniem to jest świetne. Tak to widzę obecnie!! Takie teksty świetnie rozwijają.

Re: social security pension act, prosze o pomoc w tlumaczeniu!

: 25 kwie 2022, 6:02
autor: vlord