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Re: [angielski] transformation

: 01 sty 2006, 17:09
autor: Visitor
Mam problem z przekształceniem poniż…yszch zdań... (w nawiasie podano slowko, ktore musi zawierac trandformacja):

a) I can't manage to see what the price is. Let's ask inside (make)
b) Is this coat the right size? Can I check? (try)
c) Two masked men robbed the supermarket yesterday (held)
d) You need a new coat. Your old one is too small (grown)
e) I'll come and collect the goods on Thursday (pick)
f) Are you going to the chemist's? (calling)
g) I don't like supermarkets. I can't bear the queues (put)
h) I don't know whether to buy this car. I'll consider it (over)

Bardzo prosze o pomoc.

Re: [angielski] transformation

: 01 sty 2006, 17:28
autor: Visitor
b) Is this coat the right size? Can I try it on?
d)You need a new coat. You have grown out of your old one.
e)I'll come and pick up the goods on Thursday.
h)I don't know whether to buy this car. I'll think it over.

Tyle umiem ja:)

Re: [angielski] transformation

: 02 sty 2006, 17:37
autor: Visitor
a. I can't make out what the price is.
c. Two masked man held up the supermarket yesterday.

Re: [angielski] transformation

: 02 sty 2006, 17:42
autor: Visitor
f. calling by

Re: [angielski] transformation

: 02 sty 2006, 23:30
autor: Visitor
g) I dont like supermarkets.I can't put up with the gueues.

Re: [angielski] transformation

: 03 sty 2006, 18:00
autor: Visitor
Wielkie dzieki wszystkim, ktorzy pomogli. Mam juz teraz wsyzstko THX

Re: [angielski] transformation

: 25 kwie 2022, 13:40
autor: vlord