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Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 15 lut 2006, 10:27
autor: zirk
Chce starać się o wyjazd do Stanów za pośrednictwem biura studenckiego. W tym celów stworzyłam krótki esej o sobie. Obawiam się jednak ż
e mogłam popełnić jakieś błędy. BArdzo proszę o pomoc, sprawdzenie tej pracy i ewentualne sugestie jeśli komus przyjdzie do głowy jakieś dodatkowe mądre zdanie. Będę bardzo wdzięczna.
My name is Aneta. I come from Poland. I am 23 years old. I was born on August 8th 1983, in Radom.
I started my education at a local primary school in 1990 and I was studying there until 1998. During this time I was very active person. I was a member of school chorus. We often took part in school performances. Then I also started learning to play on guitar. I took part in many school competitions. I supplanted first place in biological competition and second place in ecological competition.
After primary school graduation, I attended Jan III Sobieski High School in Radom for four years. I liked my school very much and I participated fully in the life of the school. While I was learning there, I actively took part in many students’ unions. I often took part in various competitions, theatricals and matches. At High School I decided that I would be a teacher in the future. To check myself in this part I look after my neighbor’s son in my free time. I helped him to do homework, we read book together and I prepared meals for him.
At present, I am studying pedagogy at Academy of Special Education in Warsaw. I will graduate in 2007. I practiced at nursery school, school and common room for children. I have decided to work at the CCUSA camp because I really like spending time with children.
In August I got married. I have many duties. I tidy my house almost every day. I prepare meals, do the washing up, do the laundry, and do the ironing. I like when there is clean in it so housework gives me pleasure.
In Radom I have lived since childhood with my whole family. My mother is nurse and my father is an electrician. I have three younger brothers I also have sister She is studying economy in Radom. I always spent with them a lot of time. I took care of them when my parents were at work.
What can I say about myself? I am very active person. I have always enjoyed sports activities. I like riding a bike and swimming. I also enjoy traveling and meeting people. It is one of the reasons I have decided to work at the CCUSA camp.
I am a hard- working person. Twice a week I attend course in English. I am also reliable and reasonable. I often think about my future. To make sense of my life, I see a satisfying job.
Getting to the end of my essay, I would like to say that I am very kind, sociable and helpful person.
I think I will be an appropriate candidate to work in this program.
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 15 lut 2006, 10:31
autor: smartie
Aneto, sprawdzę i odeślę Ci za jakąś godzinkę, dwie, OK?
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 15 lut 2006, 12:01
autor: Visitor
powiem tak, jestes tylko czlowiekiem i mozesz popelniac bledy, to jest ludzkie, poza tym angielski nie jest Twoim jezykiem ojczystym wiec tym bardziej nie staralbym sie pisac tego eseju bezblednie. Najwazniejsze, zeby to co piszesz/mowisz bylo zrozumiale dla tej drugiej osoby, jesli jest (a Twoj esej wg mnie jest bardzo fajnie napisany) to juz jest swietnie. Niech to bedzie cos od Ciebie nawet z bledami, ale cos co sama stworzylas oni to tez doceniaja - Amerykanie (bo wnioskuje ze tam jedziesz) bardzo lubia ludzi samodzielnych. Tak samo jest z tzw bariera jezykowa i strachem przed popelnianiem bledow podczas konwersacji - nie nalezy sie tym przejmowac :-)
Kiedys tez chcialem zeby mi wszystko nauczycielka sprawdzila i powiedziala czy dobrze napisalem i to ona mi powiedziala ze mam prawo do bledow i (moze to zabrzmi troche dziwnie :-) te bledy czasami dobrze wygladaja :-)) Tez pozniej pisalem kilka esejow i zawsze robilem to samodzielnie (oczywiscie ktos moze rzucic na to okiem to na pewno nie zaszkodzi) i byly bardzo dobrze odbierane :-)
To oczywiscie tylko moje zdanie :-))
Zycze powodzenia i swietnych wspomnien z wyjazdu!
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 15 lut 2006, 12:34
autor: smartie
Aneto, poprawiłam tylko drobiazgi, czasem troszkę składnię (w załączeniu) ... zgadzam się z Wojtkiem, to jest Twoj tekst i pisany "twoim sercem" ... wierzę, ż
e wybiorą Cię do programu, bo jak na młodą osobę bardzo wiele już
zrobiłaś w swoim ż
yciu, a Twoje pierwsze doświadczenia pedagogiczne są wielkim atutem.
My name is Aneta. I am 23 years old and I come from Poland. I was born on August 8th 1983 in Radom. I started my education in a local primary school in 1990 which I continued until 1998. During that time I was a very active person. I was a member of the school chorus that frequently participated in school performances. At that time I also started taking my guitar lessons. Also I took part in many school contests. I was the winner of the biological contest and came second best at the ecological contest.
Having completed my primary school I continued my education in Jan III Sobieski High School in Radom for four years. Not only did I like my school very much but also fully participated in many of the school activities. During that time I was an active member of many students’ organizations. On top of that I also loved to take part in various competitions, theatricals and matches. And it was while I was in High School that I decided to become a teacher in the future. And to check myself in this role I looked after my neighbour’s son in my free time. I helped him with his homework, prepared meals for him, and we read books together. At present I study pedagogy at Academy of Special Education in Warsaw which I plan to graduate in 2007. As part of my studies I did some practical trainings at nursery school, primary school and a common room for children.
I have decided to work at the CCUSA camp because I do enjoy working and spending time with children. In August last year I got married and therefore I have many duties. Not only do I tidy my house almost every day, but also prepare meals, do the washing up, the laundry and the ironing. I do like it when it is clean around and that is why housework gives me a lot of pleasure.
I have lived in Radom with my whole family since I was a child. My mother is a nurse and my father is an electrician. I have three younger brothers and a sister who studies economy in Radom. I used to spend a lot of time with my brothers and sister, and I took care of them while my parents were at work.
What else can I say about myself? I am a very active and outgoing person who has always enjoyed all kinds of sports activities. For example, I like riding a bike and swimming. Also I enjoy travelling and meeting new people. And this is another reason why I would like to work at the CCUSA camp. I am a hard-working person who attends English classes twice a week. I am also a reliable and reasonable person who often thinks about the future. And to make sense of my life, I seek a satisfying job.
As I am slowly getting towards the end of my essay I would also like to add that I am also a kind, sociable and helpful person.
I do hope that you will find my activities, experience and personal qualities interesting enough to give me a chance to work at the CCUSA camp.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 15 lut 2006, 15:49
autor: Visitor
Dziękuje pięknie za pomoc. Jestem bardzo, bardzo, bardzo a nawet bardziej wdzięczna.
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 23 lis 2016, 5:51
autor: Isabella Erickson
Hi Aneta,
I am mukul from bangladesh. you say you like sports activities me also like some sports such as football, cricket, tanis , carom etc and every day main home gym by our best recumbent bike.
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 19 mar 2019, 8:48
autor: luciham20
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Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 25 mar 2019, 9:16
autor: pieknyolek
Po przeczytaniu doszedłem do wniosku, że są to tylko niewielkie błędy o które nie musisz się przejmować.
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 06 cze 2019, 21:02
autor: Aniołeczek123456789
Good morning
K- Good morning
D- I can apologize for the menu card
K- please wait a moment and bring the card
D- good
K - here's the menu of dishes
D- I am asking for orange juice and a Hungarian cake. Is a salad included with it?
K - obviously we have four types of salads to choose from.
D- and you can know what they are?
K- yes: red cabbage salad, Chinese salad, beetroot salad and zucchini salad.
D- I will ask for a salad from Chinese cabbage
K - please wait for 10 minutes will be your order
D- thank you, I will wait
K- does the juice wish you to bring me or dinner?
D- now, please
K - I am asking for juice for you
D- thank you
K - I am asking you for this, I wish you a tasty one.
D-thank you
K- Did you like it?
D- so much, the dish was delicious
K- Do you still want something sweet or something?
D- what do you propose?
K- we have a very good apple pie
D- and how much does it cost?
K-2,50 gr and additionally small juice for free, because whoever places an order over PLN 20 gets juice for free.
D- I will ask for it, I will try sweetness
K- I bring
K - here is an apple pie and a small juice for her
D- thank you very much, I will ask for the bill already
K- I bring you already. You need 25 zlotys
D - please
K- Thank you
K- Goodbye and welcome again.
D-dzień dobry
K- Dzień dobry
D- Przepraszm mogę prosić o kartę dań
K- proszę chwilkę poczekać już przynoszę kartę
D- dobrze
K- proszę oto karta dań
D- poproszę sok pomarańczowy i placek po węgiersku.Czy do niego jest dołączona jakaś surówka?
K -tak oczywiście mamy cztery rodzaje surówek do wyboru.
D- a można wiedzieć jakie są?
K- tak: surówka z kapusty czerwonej, surówka pekińska, surówka z buraczków ćwikłowych i sałatka z cukini.
D- to ja poproszę surówkę z kapusty pekińskiej
K- proszę poczekać za 10 minut będzie Pani zamówienie
D- dziękuje, poczekam
K- czy sok życzy Pani abym przyniósł teraz czy razem z obiadem ?
D- poproszę teraz
K- proszę bardzo sok dla Pani
D- dziękuje
K- proszę to Pani zamówienie, życzymę smacznego.
K- czy smakowało Pani?
D- tak bardzo, danie było wyśmienite
K- czy jeszcze Pani sobie coś życzy może coś na słodko?
D- a co Pan proponuje?
K- mamy bardzo dobrą szarlotkę
D- a ile kosztuje?
K-2,50 gr i dodatkowo sok mały gratis, ponieważ kto u Nas złoży zamówienie powyżej 20 zł dostaje sok gratis.
D- o to poproszę, spróbuje słodkości
K- już przynoszę
K- proszę oto szarlotka i gratis mały sok do niej
D- dziękuje bardzo, poproszę o rachunek już
K- już przynoszę.Należy się 25 zł
D- proszę bardzo
K- Dziękuję
D-Do widzenia
K- Do widzenia i zapraszamy ponownie.
Re: Proszę o sprawdzenie.......
: 25 kwie 2022, 22:35
autor: vlord