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Re: Ile pkt bym dostał za tą rozprawkę.??thanks in advance.

: 29 mar 2007, 16:11
autor: Visitor
It is toughly said that treatment about the own life anfd independence from parents is strongly thought to be a huge evidence on the mature.
However it is hard to say if there more drawbacks or advantages of earning after school.
The first main drawback of working after school is falling behind in school
what means that it is vastly difficult to learn what we should to and and uor marks are obliged to get worse.The next obvious disadvantage is tiredness which chase every pupil who try in bewilderment to get profits of both job and school.
Not enough pupils constantly learn at school work, they also try catch up all the homeworks at night what makes them dog-tired. finally there is absolutely no time to amuse themselves and taste some entertainment.
The fact that young people try to earn money haws got plenty of advantages . Firstly it makes them independent towards parents and they can buy whatever they want.Secondly it is immensely increasing strength of
their minds because they are confvinced they are managed to do what very little people do.Thirdly when they earn much they are able to help their parents what is magnificent.And finally the job teaches to be humble .it makes pupils responsible for what they make and how the behave.
To conclude apart form many sure drawbacks there is bigger multitude of advantages and surely it gives much more profits to take job than being lazy and doing nothing besides school.

Re: Ile pkt bym dostał za tą rozprawkę.??thanks in advance.

: 29 mar 2007, 17:14
autor: xeo
Szczerze ma być ?

zdania za długie

np. to zdanie
The first main drawback of working after school is falling behind in school
what means that it is vastly difficult to learn what we should to and and uor marks are obliged to get worse.

gramatyka pada miejscami

np. tutaj
very little people do (wyszło ż…e mali ludzie, a nie "niewielu ludzi")


zły dobór słów bądź kolokacji, brakuje czasem oczywistych słów typu
there ARE,
naduż…ycie/złe uż…ycie słowa what

spelling leż…y (ale to pewnie literówki przy pisaniu na klawiaturze)
np. confvinced, uor, haws

Firstly (przecinek) + reszta zdania
Secondly (przecinek) + reszta zdania
Thirdly (przecinek) + reszta zdania
Finally (przecinek) + reszta zadania

powtórzenia słów typu drawback (brak synonimów)


tłumaczenia dosłowne

itp. itd.