: 05 maja 2010, 17:47
Witam, mam pytanie czy nominal compounds to jest to samo co compound nouns ? z gory dziękuje
Forum językowe - angielski ludzkim językiem
Compound nouns can also be formed using the following combinations of words:-
Noun + Noun toothpaste
Adjective + Noun monthly ticket
Verb + Noun swimming pool
Preposition + Noun underground
Noun + Verb haircut
Noun + Preposition hanger on
Adjective + Verb dry-cleaning
Preposition + Verb output
(...) the term 'nominal compound' could mean either of two things:
(i) compound where both elements are nouns, e.g. credit card, dog food, bus stop, government inquiry. These can be grouped into larger compounds wholly consisting of nouns, e.g. credit card fraud, credit card fraud legislation. Probably, this is what is meant. But it could also mean:
(ii) compound where the result is nominal (behaves like a noun), though the parts aren't: e.g. small businessman, revolving door, down arrow.