Grammar Bullies

1. The guest of the programme talks about a woman who went to the garage and saw "a satanic apostrophe", what did the whole thing look like ?
a) CD's
b) 666's
c) 666D's

2. According to the host, punctuation was introduced by:
a) one of the presidents
b) someone else
c) government

3. When the guest talks about apples he gets irritated because:
a) he describes prices
b) he describes nit-pickers
c) he describes rude shop assistants

4. The guest talks about his school, what was it that disheartened him as a dyslectic ?
a) he had to put his heart and soul to everything
b) writing generally
c) seeing all the mistakes he did

5. The guest is happy that the BBC has introduced regional accents
a) true
b) false

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bully - łobuz, ktoś znęcający się nad słabszymi
(weather) forecast - prognoza pogody
shipping forecast - prognoza pogody dla statków
heartbroken - załamany, zrozpaczony
garage - garaż
apart from - oprócz
capital letter - wielka litera
satanic - satanistyczny
march - marsz
nerd - głupek, dureń
piss off! - spieprzaj!
pause - zrobić przerwę
ink - atrament
hand in - oddać (np. zadanie domowe)
ghost - duch
old-fashioned - staromodny, staroświecki
apostrophe - apostrof
dyslexic, dyslectic - dyslektyk

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