Colbie Caillat - Bubbly

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Colbie Caillat - Bubbly

0) I've been awake for while now
1) You've got me feelin' like a child now
2) 'Cause every time I see your face
3) I get the tinglies in a silly place
5) They in my toes
6) Makes me crinkle my nose
7) Wherever it
8) I always know
9) That you make me
10) Please stay for a while now
11) Just take time
12) Wherever you go
14) The rain is falling my window pane
15) But we are hiding in a safer place
16) Under staying safe and warm
17) You give me feelings that I adore
19) start in my toes
20) Make me crinkle my nose
21) Wherever goes
22) I always know
23) That you me smile
24) Please stay for a while now
25) Just take your
26) Wherever you go
28) What am going to say
29) When you make me feel this way
30) I just
32) And they start in my toes
33) Makes me crinkle my
34) Wherever it goes
35) I always
36) That you make me smile
37) Please stay a while now
38) Just take your time
39) Wherever you
41) I've been asleep for a while now
42) You tuck me in just like a now
43) 'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
44) I'm comfortable enough to your warmth
46) And it stats in my soul
47) And I lose all
48) When you kiss my nose
49) feeling shows
50) 'cause you make me smile baby
51) Just your time now
52) Holdin' me tight
54) Wherever wherever you go
55) Wherever wherever wherever you go
57) Wherever you go
58) I always know
59) 'Cause make me smile
60) Even just for a while

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