Personal essay

Personal Essay
Personal Essay


Introduce the essay. Begin either some personal information or some historical background related to the topic.
At the moment, I go to a large school in the centre of the city. It's quite ...

Location and Facilities
Say where the school is and describe any special buildings, rooms or other facilities.My ideal school would be in the centre of the city near a ...There would be a coffee bar and ...

Talk about subjects on the timetable, including special ones and any free students have.Students would study all the usual subjects such as ... However, there would be some new optional subjects, for example, diving lessons ...

Extra-Curricular Activities
Mention the adjectives students can take part in outside the main timetable.There would be many after-school clubs, such as ...

As a final comment, choose what you think is the best thing about your school.To sum up, I think my school would have a good variety of activities - something for everyone.

2. Useful Vocabulary

Location: city centre, countryside, forest, park
Facilities: coffee bar, computer room, gymnasium, library, music studio, swimming pool, theatre
Timetable: free time, optional subjects (cooking, do-it-yourself, self-defence), traditional subjects (foreign language, geography, history, literature, maths, science)
After-school activities: chess club, choir, school trips

3. Linking
Addition: also, another thing, as well as, in addition, too
Contrast: but, however
Example: for example, such as
Purpose: in order to, so that
Conclusion: to sum up

4. Checking
Introduction: Does this get the interest of the reader?
Layout: Have you organised paragraphs according to the plan?
Linking: Have you included linking words?
Punctuation: Check your writing for capital letters, commas and full stops.


#1 Agnieszka 2016-06-16 10:16
Well, It's very useful information for those who have plenty of time to write an essay. But if you have no time for that, it is better to ask professionals for some help. I found 'supreme essay' and they wrote a high-quality assignment for me.

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