- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana
Russell Brand, voicing an Easter Bunny who wants to be a rocker is the main attraction of this cruddy kids' film that mixes live action and animation, says Peter Bradshaw
- Peter Bradshaw
- guardian.co.uk, Thursday 31 March 2011
- Hop
- Production year: 2011
- Country: USA
- Cert (UK): U
- Runtime: 95 mins
- Directors: Tim Hill
- Cast: Chelsea Handler, Elizabeth Perkins, Gary Cole, Hank Azaria, Hugh Laurie, James Marsden, Kaley Cuoco, Russell Brand
Some films are known as bullet-proof: Hop could probably take a direct hit from a meteor twice the size of Saturn and still deliver enough celebratory box-office zeroes to fill a double-page ad in Variety. Like Alvin and the Chipmunks, Hop mixes animation with live action and it's a soulless and depressing film, with plasticky production design. The idea is that Fred, an aimless young guy played by James Marsden, is exasperating his father by still living at home with the folks – an idea that might have worked if he was in his teens or early 20s. Marsden is 37. Meanwhile, the cartoon Easter Bunny's kid EB, voiced by Russell Brand, yearns to be a rock'n'roll drummer, and becomes a buddy of Fred. There's some dodgy subliminal advertising for a certain confectionery company in one early scene. Equally dodgy is a kids' film giving a mention to Hugh Hefner's Playboy bunny empire. Yuck.
aimless : bezcelowy, pozbawiony celu
box-office : kasa (np. kina)
buddy : kumpel
bullet-proof : kuloodporny
celebratory : świąteczny
confectionery: cukierniczy
dodgy : ryzykowny, niebudzący zaufania
exasperate : irytować
folks : parents
subliminal advertising : reklama podprogowa
yearn : tęsknić, pragnąć