Island - review

Natalie Press stars in an overwrought drama full of doomy, portentous and borderline-ridiculous dialogue, says Peter Bradshaw

  1. Island
  2. Production year: 2011
  3. Country: UK
  4. Runtime: 96 mins
  5. Directors: Brek Taylor, Elizabeth Mitchell
  6. Cast: Alex Donald, Colin Morgan, Denise Orita, Janet McTeer, Kate Stevens, Natalie Press, Tanya Franks
  7. More on this film

Well intentioned and fervently acted, this film stars Natalie Press as a young woman who, nearing 30, journeys from London to a remote Hebridean island on a murderous mission to find her mother who abandoned her as a baby. Once on the island, she is drawn into the strange feel of the place, and into the intensity of the relationship between her mother Phyllis (Janet McTeer) and her son Calum (Colin Morgan). There is, unfortunately, an awful lot of doomy, portentous and borderline-ridiculous dialogue, and redundant evocation of atmosphere. It's good to see Natalie Press – so good in My Summer of Love – back on the screen, but this is a flimsy film.

doomy: złowieszczy, fatalny

evocation: przypomnienie

fervently: namiętnie, z uczuciem

flimsy: słaby

murderous: morderczy; niesamowity

overwrought: pełen nerwów

portentous: złowróżbny

redundant: zbyteczny, zbędny

remote: odległy

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