Death penalty (kara śmierci)

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Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: Gość » 25 cze 2008, 11:25

What do you think about the death penalty ?

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: marsha-marzenna » 27 cze 2008, 2:18

humans should not decide about that. Death penalty should not exist.

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: arturolczykowski » 27 cze 2008, 9:58

If not human then who? Even God of the Bible accepts capital punishment. To tell more, He is the One who commanded the Israel to carry out this form of justice. He told the Israel that whoever takes the another man's life should be killed when guilt is firmly established by the court.

Genesis 9:6
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.

The problem partly arose because some people wrongly read the words of God in ten commandments. There is no contradiction between the words above and the commandment not to kill. Actually, there is not such a commandment. The correct words read "You should not murder", and this is something quite different than killing, isn't it?
junior fellow
Posty: 229
Rejestracja: 10 sty 2007, 0:00

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: karczmarka312 » 05 paź 2008, 11:24

arturolczykowski pisze:If not human then who? Even God of the Bible accepts capital punishment. To tell more, He is the One who commanded the Israel to carry out this form of justice. He told the Israel that whoever takes the another man's life should be killed when guilt is firmly established by the court.

Genesis 9:6
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.

The problem partly arose because some people wrongly read the words of God in ten commandments. There is no contradiction between the words above and the commandment not to kill. Actually, there is not such a commandment. The correct words read "You should not murder", and this is something quite different than killing, isn't it?

You're right, but don't you remember what Jesus said about those revenges? Jesus gave the commandment of love. And He rejected those words of Genesis that you've mentioned.

Personally I think there is no difference between the death penalty and murdering people... and that's why I think it should never exist in law.
Posty: 2
Rejestracja: 05 paź 2008, 11:12

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: arturolczykowski » 30 paź 2008, 1:07

So, you can't see any difference between taking the life of someone who came to your house and murdered your children, someone who is guilty and taking the life of your children by this person? Both are just acts of murdering? Both are unjust? I am afraid that you don't know what a justice is at all. If that person could take the life of innocent people why we shoudn't take the life of the guilty person? Can't you see the difference? He/she took the life of innocent people we are taking the life of the guilty one. If we are talking about justice the punishment must fit the crime. The human life is priceless. Can you repay for taking this life just by being imprisoned for a few years? Does restriction to your freedom have the same value as your life? I don't think so and that's the reason I think that capital punishment is fair and should be carry on in a just society.
junior fellow
Posty: 229
Rejestracja: 10 sty 2007, 0:00

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: Gość » 07 gru 2008, 21:27

I would reccomend that death penalty be reintroduced in Poland for murderers and rapists.


It's easy - why the people who perpetrate homicide, genoside or rape should live for the rest of their lives for my taxes?

Maybe if they go to work and do sth for the living I could change my point of view.

By now I'm in favor of bringing back the capital punishment in our country. :)

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: littlegreenhat » 08 gru 2008, 17:46

that's a tough one.. honestly i sometimes think criminals deserve to die, for what they did and how they behaved, they should be punished. On the other hand, if they have a family, what happens with them? i mean, what happens with the children (provided one has them)? one day mommy tell the kids that their daddy will be killed and they can watch if they want (since probably visiting is out of question)? a bit cruel, especially when kids still look up to their dad and don't realise that he might be a bad person.
Posty: 6
Rejestracja: 08 gru 2008, 15:13

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: Gość » 03 lut 2009, 0:12

I think that the main problem with the death penalty is that it cannot be guaranteed that there will be no mistakes and an innocent person will not be sentenced. Too many mistakes like this happened in the past and innocent people were executed.

Death penalty is open to abuse and corruption in the same way the legality of euthanasia is.

What's more, using violence to fight violence is contradictory in itself.

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: Gość » 03 lut 2009, 23:34

arturolczykowski pisze:If not human then who? Even God of the Bible accepts capital punishment. To tell more, He is the One who commanded the Israel to carry out this form of justice. He told the Israel that whoever takes the another man's life should be killed when guilt is firmly established by the court.

Genesis 9:6
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.

The problem partly arose because some people wrongly read the words of God in ten commandments. There is no contradiction between the words above and the commandment not to kill. Actually, there is not such a commandment. The correct words read "You should not murder", and this is something quite different than killing, isn't it?

And honestly... :bezradny: the bible is just a bunch of some stories which authenticity cannot be even verified or linked to reliable point in so called "Christian" religion.

For example Jewish and Muslim religions share basicaly the same prophets yet both are at war with each other. It's madness!

Re: Death penalty (kara śmierci)

Postautor: vlord » 29 maja 2022, 22:48

The One Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken
Posty: 27945
Rejestracja: 08 kwie 2022, 5:32

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