2. Then he muttered, ‘There’s no fool like an old fool.’
3. In the world described in Orwell’s Animal Farm two basic principles become all – important: (i) all animals are equal; (ii) some animals are more equal than others.
4. A great insect went humming and settled near his foot; he saw it, and he turned to examine it.
5. Everybody knows that such people exists; everybody also knows what they look like.
6. ‘You see,’ she said, ‘There could be a thick soft blue Indian rug on the floor; and in that corner there could be a soft little sofa with cushions to curl up on; and just over it could be a shelf full of books so that one could reach them easily; and there could be a fur rug before the fire’
7. They could never be quite sure when Sara would be there; and they could scarcely even be certain that Miss Amelia would not make a tour of inspections through the bedrooms after the pupils were supposed to be asleep.
8. Meanwhile the momentum for determining, the Earths circumference passed to France.
9. The chose the Andes because they needed to measure near the equator to determine if there really was a difference in sphericity there, and because they reasoned that mountains would give them good sightlines.
10. ‘But I’ll go and ask the baker woman if she has lost anything,’ she said to herself rather faintly.
11. She always felt very tender of Ermengarde, and she tried not to let her feel too strongly – the difference between being able to learn anything at once, and not being able to learn anything at all.
12. How much he understood of the talk he heard, I am not in the least able to say even if he had understood it all, he would probably have remained greatly mystery.
13. I had forgotten to draw my curtain, and when the moon which was full and bright, came and looked at me through the window, I opened my eyes.
14. It was Brooms habit; for instance, to do his fieldwork naked when the weather was warm, which was often.
15. The less you play, the better, they used to say so it no surprising that audience was given, was often nothing more than a chaos of sound.
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