A tak szczerze :Our genius for inactivity is developed to a very high point.
[url:30n18x2b]http://www.lsc.edu.pl[/url:30n18x2b] Szkoła językowa - Warszawa Centrum [img:30n18x2b]http://www.businessrepublic.pl/images/avatar1.gif[/img:30n18x2b]
I'm not too good at English but I'll try to use it. Please don't laugh at me Savant is only my nickname it means a scientist.
[url:30n18x2b]http://www.lsc.edu.pl[/url:30n18x2b] Szkoła językowa - Warszawa Centrum [img:30n18x2b]http://www.businessrepublic.pl/images/avatar1.gif[/img:30n18x2b]
Jak widac zaczalem sie troche udzielac na forum jednak sadze ze i tak malo go generuje. Jak to mozliwe ze odwiedza te strone zekomo tyle osob licznik wybil juz 250862 osob a tylko 20 (zgadywalem) pisze cos na forum?
[url:30n18x2b]http://www.lsc.edu.pl[/url:30n18x2b] Szkoła językowa - Warszawa Centrum [img:30n18x2b]http://www.businessrepublic.pl/images/avatar1.gif[/img:30n18x2b]
Unfortunately, the idioms are posted together with "Gazeta Wyborcza". And unfortunately, we cannot post ahead of them, as that is our agreement with them. Since they seem reluctant to post new idioms recently, we have stopped posting them, too I hope this problem will subside soon.
Thx Pwl, However I have a question for ya, r u the expert? or the host of that web? And one more comment, arrangement on the Forum was better before. Now I do not see everything as clear as earlier.
Mozna je wyeksponowac albo trzeba lepiej sie przygladac to i tak sie znajdzie
[url:30n18x2b]http://www.lsc.edu.pl[/url:30n18x2b] Szkoła językowa - Warszawa Centrum [img:30n18x2b]http://www.businessrepublic.pl/images/avatar1.gif[/img:30n18x2b]
Hi. I am the bad guy. I run this site with pwl, but I convinced him into changing the format of our forum. Sorry, folks! I thought the new one would be better! Judging from the number of posts - it actually is. About 'the expert' issue - normally I take the brunt, but sometimes pwl answers (usually when the questions consider IT, but not always - you must observe that pwl is a proud possessor of CPE grade A, Iwish you all have it :-).