Proszę o sprawdzenie tego listu. bardzo prosze
List do kolegi z Anglii. Otrzymałeś od niego propozycje spędzielnia wspónie świąt Boż
ego Nar. Przeproszisz i podasz powód dlaczego nie moż
esz przyjąć zaproszenia. Opisz ja Ty spędzasz święta, jak Twoja rodzina sie przygotowuje, zaproponujesz koledze spędzenie świąt z Twoj a rodziną i obiecasz pokazać mu miasto i okolice.
Dear Matt,
How are you? You didn`talready write to me a long time. I was glad very much when I received a letter from you.I`m a bit down, because I`mbusy on Christmas. I`d love to, but Ican`t. Sorry, but I`ve got to spend time with the family. I must visit my grandmother which lives alone, so that she doesn`t feel alone.
I can`t wait until Christmas. This year we are going to buy 2-one-metre long christmas tree. I and my brother are decorating it into the Christmas Eve. My mum is preparing 12 Christmas dishes. Supper Christmas Eve we are eating at 5 p.m. in grandmother home with the auntie and uncle, then we are going to the midnight Mass. We are visiting The Zosię sister mum and her family, in the afternoon we are entertaining guests. I was wondering if you`d like to spend this time with us. It is a good idea, because we will be able to spend a lot of time together. And on top that you will get to know my family. Why don`t we tour my city? I will you show interesting places, we will have a nice time in the club and unforgettable moments with my cousins. I would want very much you to agree.
I hope that they will be these are our most wonderful Christmas in the life. I ask for the response.
I am greeting warmly.
prosze o szybka odp, bardzo mi zalezy