In the world there are lot of blind people.
Scientists promised to build (to construct) a special appliance,
which could send images over, from cameras to a human brain.
For some it is a chance for a normal life, for others it is a danger.
Let's consider pluses and minuses of it.
First of all, electronic eye cameras allow people to see lights and shapes.
A human brain will get back impulses from those electronic eyes ,
the same way as eyes of healthy people do.
Secondly, the electronic eyes will facilitate blind people lifestyle by
giving them independence and possibility to see.
What is more blind people will not have to use a white stick any more.
On the other hand eye cameras do not give such good image as a human eye,
which could put them in danger situations.
Moreover, electronic eye cameras are very expensive.
To sum it up, all arguments mentioned above
I could say that small electronic eye cameras
could give a chance to lead a better life for millions of people with lost eyesight.
Ps.... ufff
Scientists was processed special appliance - to nie jest jasne dla mnie ?
process = proces, poprawiam jak rozumiem i umiem.
o jakim danger = ryzyku, grozbie, niebezpieczenstwie mowisz ?
Nic dalej nie piszesz.
cyber spectacles= okulary moze lepiej urzyc
electronic artifical eyes
electronic camera artifical eyes
small electronic eye cameras
Czy maja to byc kamery w okularch ?
What is more blind people must not use a white stick. To nie jest jasne.
Co chcesz przez to powiedziec ?
must not = nie wolno moze chcesz powiedziec nie musza = not have to ?
an artifical eye = sztuczne szklane oko, mysle ze nie mozesz tego tu urzyc
O co tu chodzi czy maja to byc kamery w okularch czy kamary umieszczone
w sztuczny oczach dla niewidomych ?
Interesujacy temat dlatego pomagam, ale moze bylo by latwiej przetlumaczyc
z Polskiego, tak sie zastanawiam, czasami nie zupelnie jasne,
chociaz napisane jest calkiem niezle. Angielski to troche podchwytliwy jezyk.
I hope the above replay has been helpful.
good luck in/on/with your adventure