Czy te zdania są napisane poprawnie? Proszę o sprawdzenie i naniesienie ewentualnych poprawek
1. More and more people nowadays focus on earning money and working all day long, neglecting at the same time really important things which are not for sale.
2. I am thinking about these, which for we do not have to pay.
3. we become from rude child, mild-manner person.
4. What is more, we have also real friends, that means people who stay near us disinterestedbly
5. Would the money give us the opportunity to create such a true relationship?
6. These things seem to be basic but we cannot live without them as happy people.
7. Watching TV or reading newspapers we can see that health is not for sale.
8. Even the reacher people die of cancer or heart disease. Some illnesses are terminal and even lots of money cannot help.
9 . Everyday we meet such things but the main problem is realising it.