Emo is a verry specific subculture.
First of all i will describe how do they look. A stereotypical emo boy is tall and has gray skin. He always has longer or long hair with fringe brushed to one side of the face. Emo boys and girls wears thight black denim jeans, old sneakers or skate-shoes and also thight blouses or hoodies. They look coloursless and like piercing . Emo fashion has changed with time but not much. Critics cast the fashion as embarrassing and the people as imagining or pretending that they lead harsh, painful lives when they actually live in comfortable homes.
Emo is a shortcout from “emotional”, so as you can predict emo people are mostly quiet, glum, shy, emotionally candid. Depressed and broken-hearted are sometimes used to describe the emo personality. They want to show world that their life is painfull and that nobody can understand them. They think that there is no sense in life.
They usually listen rock, screamo or metal music. They can, but they don’t have to love skateboarding or other extremly sports.
But do people like emo? No they don’t. But why? I will try to answer.
They look strange. Emo-boys looks gay for other men. They are grim and glum. They have annoying cogitation. They are often bisexual. They are cutting themselves. They are making suicades They are listening to hardcore music... And that’s why people don’t like them. Because they are original.