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szego teksu i poprawienie błędów(na pewno jakieś się znajdą):
The latest film of Andrzej Wajda “Katyń" presents a manslaughter which have place in 1400 year in Poland. For director that of manslaughter was very important because his father was killed in that crime. In that movie are playing the best polish actors like: Artur Żmijewski and Maja Ostaszewska.
That movie is beginning in September of 1939 year when the red army is destroying the last symbols of Poland. Russians are taking polish highbrow to camps where nobody was know what is theirs future. One day the Russians come to take away in trains a highbrow to title village. When they approach to place they were killed by shoot in the back of the head, and bury in massive graves.
Music was the greatest attraction of this movie. The music was giving climate and flutter of emotions to the movie. Actors were playing very good and with passion they know what serious is that movie. Przemysław Nowakowski have write very good scenario which director have good use of it in that movie.
I think that movie is grate to somebody who wants to get to know about history of Poland and manslaughter in Katyń. I can recommend that movie also to all people who are interesting a little bit of history.
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