Witam mam problem z jednym cwiczeniem nie wiem gdzie dopasowac dane wyrazy w ponizszych zdaniach:
1. I' ve got nowhere to stary tonight. Can you .... me up?
2. We' ve bought a new house but we can't ...... in until next month;
3. Adrain does not ...... on with his neighbours, because they are so noisy;
4. Jan likes cooking, but she says it ..... up a lot of her time;
5. Helen has done most of the decorating and plans to ...... it off the tomorrow;
6. I have a large room and it ......... out onto a beautiful garden;
7. Karen and Mike kive next door and they often ........ in for a chat;
Wyrazy do uzupelnienia:
drop, finish, get, look, move, put, take, turn, [niektorych moze nie byc w ogole, niektore moga sie powtarzac]
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