czy ktoś wie????

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Re: czy ktoś wie????

Postautor: Visitor » 18 sie 2005, 23:06

czy ktos wie co znaczy hollaback girl??

Re: czy ktoś wie????

Postautor: Visitor » 18 sie 2005, 23:38

One who "hollers back", that is, returns a phone call or makes a phone call in response to an in-person request; a woman who is receptive to a man's (romantic or sexual) advances; not a "stuck-up boogee (bourgeois: in this context meaning both middle-class or given to faux middle-class air; not "street") bitch (in this context, meaning any female considered of an age to be sexual active, with only minor pejorative connotation attaching to it).
So, since she ain't no hollaback girl, then she's a bitch.

Re: czy ktoś wie????

Postautor: Visitor » 19 sie 2005, 10:11

A female, usually a teenager or young adult, who, when insulted, will reply verbally. This is typically achieved by insulting the original insulter (otherwise known as 'hollering back', shortened in this case to 'hollaback').

This term was popularized by Gwen Stefani, a female vocalist who once performed lead vocals for a rather good band, No Doubt. Gwen has since gone solo, which people either love or hate, depending on how much they suckle upon the mainstream teet.

In her song "Hollaback Girl", Gwen proclaims, when challenged by another girl (even though Gwen can hardly be described as a girl) through insults, that she "Ain't no hollaback girl". This is because Gwen is not a girl, but a woman, isn't going to stand for this, and is going to settle it physically.

(Note: The song, from this point, degrades into the usual Gwen Stefani lyrics: pointless, annoying, and unbearably catchy).Provided with links to other definitions one might need to understand the situation:
Provided with links to other definitions one might need to understand the situation:

Me: "Miss, excuse me, may I bother you for a moment of your time?"
Idiotic Stefani Follower: "Tru 'dat, wat you be frontin' dawg?"
Me: "I find your lack of gramatical skills, disrespect for the English language, and horrible taste in music appalling."
Idiot, again: "Awwwww hell naw! I kno' you diddin' jus' diss my ass like 'dat. I'm 'boutta cotton candy 'dat ass, I ain't naw hollaback girl."
Me: ":("

Re: czy ktoś wie????

Postautor: Visitor » 19 sie 2005, 20:06

moż…e tak jednak po polsku?? jest moze jakis odnośnik do tego wyraż…enia??

Re: czy ktoś wie????

Postautor: Visitor » 19 sie 2005, 20:30

młoda kobieta, dziewczyna, która obrazona przez kogos lub tez skrytykowana odpowie najczesciej w sposób wulgany lub rownie obrazliwy (czesto w znacznie bardziej obrazliwy sposob)

inne znaczenie, kobieta, ktora jest 'wrazliwa'(podatna) na meskie zaloty (moga miec one chrakter romantyczny lub podtekst seksualny), ale nie ulicznica(dziwka)- chociaz okreslenie to ma raczej znaczenie pejoratywne (nie jest to silnie ujemne znaczenie, ale zdecydowanie nie nalezy to do komplementów)

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