Witam. Proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu poprawności gramatycznej i stylistycznej tej pracy. Nie jese pewien czy tu jest wszystko dobrze dlatego proszę o dokladne sprawdzenie jej i napisanie co mam poprawić. Bylbym bardzo wdzięczny. Oto treść:
The policemen have a very risk job. Everyday wait them dangerous and hard cases. Sometimes they go on the patrol, when every moment they meet on streets vandals. They lead different cases, for example: in these times it is a lot of drugs, which are a lot of work. in the past there weren't too much drugs, so policemen took of beat or brawl. Policemen in these times have a new problems, hacking and not legal copy CD's. policemen don't catch a criminals only, they also write a reports. Work of policeman was hard, it is hard and it will be hard. They incure risk dead.
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