1. How do you normally kepp your desk? - Once a week I have to tidy it up before things get too untidy.
2. How punctual are you for your classes. - On time.
3. When it comes to organization, what reputation do you have among your friends and family? - They think I'm a well-organized person.
4. Do you have a diary where you write what you have to do during the day? - Yes, I use it all the time.
5. Do you find time to relax every day? -Yes, I usually keep some time free during the day to relax.
6. When you have a piece of work to do for your work or studies, how do you organize yourself? - I start the day before the deadline.
7. For your friends and family's birthdays and anniversaries, do you get round to writing or phoning in good time? -Yes, I normally do.
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