Przygotowuję się do matury i mam parę wątpliwości gramatycznych. Uprzejmie proszę o ich rozwianie

(Przykłady pochodzą z książ ki matura na 100%)
Czy oba zdania są poprawne? Jak jest róż nica znaczeniowa?
a) You should had told the truth
You should have told the truth
b)It was suggested that I should talk to you
It has been suggested...
c) The picture is thought to be stolen
The picture is thought to have been stolen.
The picture is thoght to had been stolen
d) The arrested man denied stealing the money
The arrested man denied that he had stolen the money
e) The result of election was announced on Saturday
The result of election has been announced on Saturday
f) You might have left keys at home.
You might had left keys at home.
Thank you from the mountain for your help