chcialbym was prosic o sprawdzenie tego dialogu czy dobrze jest zbudowany gramatycznie:)
A: Excuse me. Can you help me?
B: Certainly. Whatseems to be the touble?
A: Well,my cat, Lucky has gone missing
B:Oh! when did you last see his?
A:this afternoon.She was in the kitchen one minute and the next minute she was gone
B:What does he look like?
A:well, he is a small cat.he has got black and white fur and brown ears
B:well,dont worry I am sure we will find his.
A:oh, thank you
teraz nastepna prosba:)do tekstu mialem wstawc wyrazy i nie wiem czy dobrze to zrobilem. napisze teraz wyrwane zdania a słowka wstawione przezemnie sa zaznaczone na kolor niebieski
The history of this creature goes back to the time of the dinosaurs and it was found by a local woman, mary anning, in 1823
Mary Anning and her brother, joseph, used to collect fossils (ancient plants and animals which have turned to stone.
She also found many other valuable fossils
In 1823, Mary found a complete 2.7 metre long
fossil of a sea animal
her discoveries helped many scientist at hta time learn many about the huge dinosaurus that used to live in in the sea and on land millions of years ago
a mialem do wyboru takie słowka jak:
1. starts runs goes
2with by from
3complete collet hold
4which who whom
5costly expensive valuable
6lengthy large long
7some more many
8than ago after