That was a gloomy Monday morning. On outside rain. I a lot don't wanted went to school , however musted because had test from Maths.Took umbrella and went on stop Bus. After moment arrived a bus . In bus made a homework from maths. Day in school was nice. On break of Lunch noticed in a canteen pretty boy. Turn out , that is new to school . Asked me and my friend , if can sat down next to (nas). Of course let (mu) on it. Adrian very liked me. When finished break to Lunch . Came back to lessons. Still thought about Adrian. mrs to art be illed , so don't had last lesson . Went to Bus stop , then came Adrian and offer , that saw me to house. I agree.In road spoke.
Turn out, that Adrian Lived on the same as street as I. Finally Adrian confession me love. From the on passed one year. Still myself be in loved . This day had horrible , had gorgeous.
(Ps. Pisałam to dwie godziny , ale nie jestem pewna czy dobrze )
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