Na wstępie chciałabym dodać, ż
e nie jestem leniem, tylko po prostu mam strasznie duż
o rzeczy w tym tygodniu i chciałabym się wyrobić.
Błagam pomoc w napisaniu speech- a, na 3-4-5 minutek.
1 temat to: 'Hypermarket tempt people to spend money that they have not got' na wtorek 24.03. (mam już
wstęp i pierwszy argument)
oraz temat drugi 'creating work of art is the highest human endeavor - explain why you think this statement is true/untrue; to what extent' na czwartek 26.03. będę ogromnie wdzięczna!
Pomogę w jakiś inny sposób, naprawdę!
Hypermarkets and that bullshit
Nowadays, people are flooded with advertisement of every product they desire or not to have. There are hundreds commercials in TV, newspapers and the Internet and it absolutely impracticable to avoid them. Hypermarkets employ people who have been trained to manipulate their customers so that they buy more are more. It does not matter that you have no money; there is always something that you urgently need to have, or at least shop centres claim so.
First and foremost, we cannot deny we are being constantly manipulated and influenced by everything that surrounds us. We simply turn on tv, go out or open Internet Explorer and we became the target of the miscellaneous venders. Even if we do not want to see them, we are not likely to help ourselves having a look at them and later buying the products in hypermarkets.