Young people want to be slim and healthy. Rarely do they decide to have sedentary lifestyle and be couchpotatoe. I am inclined to believe that people pay too much attention to their appearance. Not only does the issue advantages but also disadvantages.
Firstly, slimmer people aren't better than the obese. People have the same right and discrimination against body weight is an absurd, it is unreasonable. Secondly, people pay too much attention to their appearance. The slimming diet is said to be very hazardous, it can cause an anorexia. If you want to be slim and beautiful you should work out in the gym and follow a sensible diet. Last but not least, our appearance isn't the most important thing. People assess us by (chodzi mi o: oceniają przez/na podstawie) our behaviour, abilities and knowledge. The appearance doesn't influence on our abilities.
But on the other hand, the appearance has influence on our motivation. The slimmer you are, the better you feel. Following a sensible diet, taking up exercises and getting slimmer, you are getting more self-confident person. Taking care your body you look after of your health. The slim often make a better impression, they can get job easier but only when they are responsible and well-qualified.
II believe that the slimmer people aren't better that fat people. We should try to improve our appearance but we must remember that our life depends on our abilities and knowledge. We must accept ourself.