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How to reduce crime rate in the cities?
According to report on the subject of Crime in Poland in 2011 by Ministry of Home Affairs, crime rate is escalating. The report informs that in 2012 in Poland committed 1 159 554 crimes. It is a 1,8 per cent increase in comparison with 2011. Upward tendency is continuing since 2009. Fortunately, there are a number of possible solutions which could inhibit that troublesome process.
One way would be to extension public monitoring network in cities. It is obvious that if potential delinquent know about observing him or her security camera, then will not committed a crime. It will also increase a number of caught criminals red-handed .
When we consider using of technology in the fight with crime it is worth to propose aggrandizement of street lighting. Cleary it will not only minimize inclination to do commit a crime, but on the other hand it will increase sense of security.
Another solution would be increase number of patrolling police. It is important because it help to prevent crimes and deter criminals. Additionally, it causes boost detainees. The research shows that police’ operation betterment has astonishing impact on decrease of transgression. It also prove that crime rate falls away in the trim places, where presumptive damage is quickly repair. Similar effect is achieved by intensification of punishments.
Next good idea is to start looking about young people ethical education. In Poland just few percent of student attend to ethical lesson a chance to do it have just a people who don’t attend to religion lessons. Therefore a lot of schools do not offer ethical lessons what is a big mistake, because young people have not opportunity to learn right behaviour patterns outside family environment. The polish schools neglect civil education which would help student to understand how to be good citizen.
The most effective method of reduce crime rate, however, is fight with problems causing society disaffection, like unemployment, poverty, low wages, high products prices. Due to the fact that preventing with those problems is extremely complex, fulfilment this particular point is hard, but bring the best effects as well. High life standard will eliminate cause of rubbery, vandalism or struggles bring about frustration, etc.
All in all, there are many solution to the problem of crimes. The crime rate do not have to increase, and the faster polish government take extra measures, the faster situation should become better.