Postautor: Visitor » 22 cze 2005, 22:42
TBC Tabernacle Baptist Church (Virginia Beach, VA, USA)
TBC Tactical Battlefield Communications
TBC Tan Construction Boots
TBC Teddington Baptist Church
TBC Tennessee Baptist Convention
TBC Texas Bicycle Coalition
TBC The Boeing Company
TBC The Breakfast Club (1985 movie)
TBC The Brothers Chaps
TBC The Business Channel (PBS)
TBC Thermal Barrier Coating
TBC Time-Base Correction
TBC Time-Base Corrector
TBC To Be Cancelled
TBC To Be Completed
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBC To Be Considered
TBC To Be Continued
TBC Topeka Bible Church
TBC Total Bacteria Count
TBC Trahan Burden and Charles, Inc. (advertising agency)
TBC Transition Benefit Corporation
TBC Traverse Brewing Company (Williamsburg, Michigan)
TBC Tubercolose
TBC Turn-Based Combat (video game option)
TBC Two Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw wines)
TBC Two-Beam Coupling