z góry dzięki, ja już
nie mam siły do tego. nie musi być jakoś idealnie super, chcę wiedzieć, czy da się rozumieć (w co wątpię)
Once time Ela and her younger sister went to a park. There they saw a lots of screaming kids and smoking people on the benches. Day was beauty and warm. The sisters stayed on the playground. There Ela met her acquitance, Sam the firefighter. He wasn't not in the least modest - during a conversation he was still bragging and telling the adventures about his heroism. One of them related to way, in what Sam had rescue some old woman from the burning builiding. But Eva wasn't listening to him, because she perceived, that she didn't see her sister. Together with Sam they were looking for a little girl in the whole park. The hours went and went by, but a sister was still unfound - in addition to the ladder in Eva's stocking. Elder girl was very worried and Sam didn't know how to cheer her up. When they finally searched a girl in the shop, an evening had already came. Eva was very upset for Sam. He too felt guilty of vanishing, so he promised, that he never more brag.