grzegorz_21 - 2003-03-28 06:36:50
That is very interesting idea... so what next? I do not really have any grammar questions. Except if you can correct me
kasian - 2003-03-28 09:18:22
Bardzo chętnie! Mam mały problem gramatyczny mniej więcej na poziome First Certificate: co oznacza wyraż
enie "to do one's bit" ??? Nie koniecznie chodzi mi o polskie tłumaczenie ale raczej o uż
Why can't I see my posts????
savant - 2003-03-28 15:41:11
Grzegorz chyba poprawnie wszystko napisales choc nie jestem znawca i nie czuje sie na silach do wydawania takich osadow.
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savant - 2003-03-28 15:49:21
kasian to watek gdzie gadamy o gramatyce a nie leksyce. Moze otworzy sie kiedys watek z leksyka.
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savant - 2003-03-28 19:15:34
I, too, have a question. How do we use an expression 'the second'? My freind used it in some kind of apposition to the other but I have no idea what it is.
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grzegorz_21 - 2003-03-29 22:58:39
Savant. You may try to ask the expert. He semms to be very familiar with the English language
savant - 2003-03-31 21:21:09
I know but I didn't want to disturb him
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grzegorz_21 - 2003-04-01 02:08:03
Savant, if you wanna explain me the word "apposition" I may try to explain you your question about "the second" ('cuz i guess i know what u r asking about)but I am not sure about the use of the word apposition.
kasian - 2003-04-01 13:12:21
I'm such an ignorant - I'm sorry...
Regarding grammar subject - has anybody got an idea for grammar class activities (on any level), especially for presenting grammar (sth not boring)
savant - 2003-04-01 13:18:14
Hmm. Apposition means that two things are equivalent, or one of them is included in the other.
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kasian - 2003-04-01 13:25:29
I'm such an ignorant! I'm sorry... OK - regarding grammar - has anybody got interesting ideas on the subject "teaching grammar" (especially presenting grammar in class in an unusual way)
kasian - 2003-04-01 13:45:53
I write it for the third time!!! And I still can't seem y posts!!!
To savant - I'm such an ignorant - I'm sorry
Regarding grammar: Has anybody got interesting ideas how to teach grammar (not general idea but examples of activities - short) especially presenting grammar in class
savant - 2003-04-02 22:56:11
Sorry for that. Your posts will appear as soon as I read them.
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savant - 2003-04-02 22:58:01
You can find many suggestions of grammar teaching in a book entitled A training course for TEFL by Hubbard Jones Thorton Wheeler
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grzegorz_21 - 2003-04-03 08:36:40
CENZURA???????? na FORUM??????
Juz nie ma cenzury i posty pojawiaja sie od reki
savant - 2003-04-03 10:34:30
Grzegorz miales mi wyjasnic moja watpliwosc czekam. Procz tego to wiem ze ekspert wie co nie co o angielski, ale jest ostatnio bardzo zajety (chyba nie przeze mnie ?

)). Uwazam ze ciekawe bedzie gadanie i dyskutowanie na forum o gramatyce, zawsze cos madrego z tego wyjdzie a w ostatecznosci jak nie bedziemy mogli dojsc do porozumienia mozemy spytac naszej "madrej glowy".
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