Proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualną poprawę.
zad.1 CO oznaczają te wyrazenia? Wybiez od A-H
1. I can't stand it. -H
2. Guess what! -D
3. Go ahead -F
4. I'm only joking -C
5. Excuse me- A
A. I'm not talking seriously.
B. Pleased to meet you.
C. I hate it.
D. Oh, sorry!
E. I'm going to say something interesting.
F. Can I ask you something?
G. Oh, great.
H. Sure, no problem.
zad. 2
Dokoncz zdanie tak , by oznaczaly to samo , co pierwsze. (tego zadania nie rozumiem , więc prosiłabym o uzupełnienie, jeśli bedzie zle)
1. The Festival Village has four hundred bedrooms.
There are ____________________________________
na moje powinnam dopisać: FOUR HUNDRED BEDROOMS.
2. Mike and Emma are students and they are 15 years old.
Like Mike, __________________________________
na moje powinnam dopisać: SSTUDENTS EMMA 15 YEARS OLD.
3. Emma and Mike don't mind getting up early.
Mike doesn't ___________________________________
na moje powinnam dopisać: GETTING UP EARLY.
4. You can get snacks and drinks in a cafe
A cafe is a place _____________________________
na moje powinnam dopisać: WHERE DRINKING CAFFEE
5. Food in the restaurant is more expensive than in the cafe.
Food in the cafe___________________________________
A tutaj nie wiem co dopisać.