Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tego wypracowania, najlepiej jak najszybciej, bo jeszcze muszę się go nauczyć dziś na pamięć...
I was in the 'Shock Disco' in 1985. It was the new disco in the city and DJs played some really great music.
When I was standing przy barze, zabójczo handsome boy podejść to me. We porozmawialiśmy trochę (told a bit? raczej nie..) He called David. Later, at about midnight, a strange thing happened. When I was dancing with Daved a flash and music stopped! It was very dark. The girls screamed and the boys cried 'Help!'. It was frightening! Saddenly padły strzały. I saw men with the guns People began screaming, running and kilka girls zemdlało. I paniced ? ("ja spanikowałam") and I was screamnig 'It,s terrorist atack! We should call the police!' I looked at the David. I noticed he was smiling! I was surprised, so I screamed ' Are you stupid?! Why are you smiling? maybe we don't exited (?) stad alive!' He nie zdązyl odpowiedziec, because the flash and the music on. DJ sayd: 'Ha ha udało nam się was nabrać! Pamiętajcie, nie na darmo ta dyskoteka nazywa się shock disco! It was one of the attraction of disco!' People began laughing. I was very surprised, according me to był beznadziejny i kretyński idea! Dave is the Dj's brother dlatego (why? bo nie chcę tu wstawiać so) he know about this "attraction". It to went on (trwać) 2 minuts, but it was the worst 2 minuts in my life!