witam!mam problem z pracą domową,mam napisac notatkę o szkole do nowego ucznia.Nie wiem czy dobrze piszę bo dopiero zaczynam sie uczyć angielskiego ,dlatego prosze o pomoc.proszę kogoś o sprawdzenie!!!!!!!!!!Napisałam tak:
Welcome to Liceum Ogólnoksztalcące in Kielce.I hope you enjoy in Polish school..Lessons start at 8.00.There are seven lessons on most days but on Thursdays there are eight lessons.After every lesson we have to 10 minutes of break.On most days school finishes an hour early at 2.15.On Thursdays school finishes at 3.10.In the three years at our school,all the students study the same 10 compulsory subjects.They are:maths,Polish, English,history,geography,biology,chemistry,physics,information and communication technology and P.E.In the optional subjects in German,French,music and religious education.In our school there isn't the canteen.We have to bring sandwiches and any drink.