Sprawdzenie fragmentu podsumowania zawodowego

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Sprawdzenie fragmentu podsumowania zawodowego

Postautor: WojtusJ » 09 mar 2011, 1:26

Jak w temacie, przetłumaczyłem swoje podsumowanie zawodowe i uprzejmie proszę osoby posługujące się językiem sprawniej ode mnie o sprawdzenie. :-) Z góry dziękuję!

--> PL
# Cel zawodowy: Ekspert w dziedzinie Business Intelligence, ETL i baz danych.

# Podsumowanie zawodowe:
Od drugiego roku studiów moje zainteresowania skupiały się wokół baz danych. W zgodzie z tą tematyką odbyłem na trzecim roku praktyki studenckie w firmie IBM. Następnie podejmując pracę w firmie PTK Centertel - gdzie pracowałem przy hurtowni danych - zainteresowałem się ogólno pojętym Business Intelligence, hurtowniami danych i procesami ETL. Od tej pory stale poszerzam swoją wiedzę i doświadczenie w tym zakresie pracując na kolejnych stanowiskach, odbywając kolejne szkolenia oraz biorąc udział w róż…nych konkursach.

W tym czasie rozwijałem również… swoje zdolności komunikacyjne, negocjacyjne oraz organizacyjne. Przez większość czasu pracowałem w zespole. W trakcie pracy oraz w ramach konkursów prowadziłem wiele prezentacji zarówno technicznych jak i nietechnicznych doskonaląc umiejętność wystąpień publicznych.

# Umiejętności
Bazy danych: Oracle 10g / 11g, DB2 v9.7, MySQL 5, PostgreSQL;
praktyczna wiedza na temat projektowania hustowni danych, procesów ETL oraz raportowania;
bardzo dobra praktyczna znajomość narzędzi Business Objects Data Services Designer XI, Universe Designer, InfoView oraz Web Intelligence Rich Client;
bardzo dobra znajomość technologii XML, xPath, xQuery, XSLT, XForms.

--> EN
# Professional goal: Expert in Business Intelligence, ETL and databases.

# Resume
Since the second year of studies my interests focused on databases. In accordance with this topic I did an internship in IBM. After that with employment in PTK Centertel - where I was working on data warehouse - I was interested in broad Business Intelligence, data warehousing and ETL processes. Since then I have broaden my knowledge and experience in this field working on different positions, taking further trainings and taking part in various competitions.

At that time I developed my communitation, negotiation and organization skills. For majority of time I have worked in a team. During my job and competitions I made a lot of technical and non-technical presentations improving public speaking skills.

# Skills
Databases: Oracle 10g / 11g, DB2 v9.7, MySQL 5, PostgreSQL;
practical knowledge about data warehouses and ETL processes design, and reporting;
very good practical knowledge of Business Objects Data Services Designer XI, Universe Designer, InfoView and Web Intelligence Rich Client;
very good knowledge of XML, xPath, xQuery, XSLT, XForms technologies.
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 2
Rejestracja: 09 mar 2011, 1:25

Re: Sprawdzenie fragmentu podsumowania zawodowego

Postautor: monimmi » 10 mar 2011, 0:25

--> EN
# Professional goal: Expert in Business Intelligence, ETL and databases.

(Nie pisalam nigdy w Polsce takiego podsumowania, wiec chcialam zapytac, czy "Ekspert" tutaj ma oznaczac stanowisko czy mowisz ogolnie ze chcial bys prace w kierunku BI, ETL, albo DB management? Jesli BI, to bardziej by mi tu pasowalo Business Intelligence Analyst. Nie wiem, czy jestes administratorem czy na przyklad koncentrujesz sie na pisaniu queries/reports wiec zalezy. Wiem, ze w Stanach sie pisze jakie konkretnie stanowisko chcialbys miec.)

# Resume
Since the second year of my college studies I have focused my interests on databases. Accordingly, I held an internship with IBM (ile? kiedy? co konkretnie robiles?). After that, while employed at PTK Centertel working on data warehouse, I became interested in broad Business Intelligence, data warehousing and ETL processes. Since then I have broadened my knowledge and experience in this field working in different positions (jakie? czy to dalej z PTK Centertel?), taking further trainings (jakie trainings?) and taking part in various competitions (jakie competitions?).

At that time I also developed my communication, negotiation and organization skills. For the majority of my career I have worked in a team. As part of my job and also during various competitions I have made a number of technical and non-technical presentations, improving my public speaking skills.

# Skills
Databases: Oracle 10g / 11g, DB2 v9.7, MySQL 5, PostgreSQL;
practical knowledge of data warehousing and ETL processes design, and reporting;
very good practical knowledge of Business Objects Data Services Designer XI, Universe Designer, InfoView and Web Intelligence Rich Client;
very good knowledge of XML, xPath, xQuery, XSLT, XForms technologies.

(Nice !) ;)
junior fellow
Posty: 205
Rejestracja: 13 kwie 2010, 4:24

Re: Sprawdzenie fragmentu podsumowania zawodowego

Postautor: WojtusJ » 10 mar 2011, 5:18

Dzięki wielkie! Naprawdę mi pomogłaś. :-) Pisząc ekspert mam na myśli stan, w którym posiada się wyjątkowo duż…ą wiedzę na dany temat, nie stanowisko. ;-)
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 2
Rejestracja: 09 mar 2011, 1:25

Re: Sprawdzenie fragmentu podsumowania zawodowego

Postautor: Gość » 13 mar 2011, 20:45

CV/ Resume
Wejdz na google I popatrz jak się pisze CV/Resume w swoim zawodzie. Moż…esz znalezć duż…o przykładów za darmo. Monimmi bardzo dobrze Ci to przetłumaczyła, jednak ja bym tam porobił pewne zmiany. Tu nie chodzi o samo tłumaczenie tylko ten specificzny sposób w jaki to (CV/ Resume) się pisze. Dlatego zalecam poszperanie w internece.
Jeszcze jedno co mi przyszło do głowy ,w USA pisze się ciut inaczej niż… w GB
Poniż…ej podaje przykład resume w twiom zawodzie (USA)

JOHN Smith
www.bizintelguru.com▪Denver CO 07598
Creative, hands-on executive of analytics with a proven track record of quickly unearthing and visualizing
gems of information buried in vast amounts of data. Expert in mining, extracting, analyzing, visualizing, and
presenting data from diverse business areas in novel and insightful ways to persuade C-level executives to
take informed action.
“The Business Intelligence Guru” Founder, February 2010 - Present
Helping companies make better, faster, more informed decisions by thoroughly analyzing their data and
constructing custom, insightful, easy-to-understand, and highly visual analytic displays and dashboards.
Second largest business credit card issuer in the U.S. with a portfolio topping $6.5 billion.
Vice President of Analytics and Information Visualization, October 2007 – July 2009
Managed a diverse team of business intelligence/data analysts who analyzed and visualized critical aspects of Advanta’s business using data mining, statistical models, geographical analytics, dashboards, and innovative visualization software.
Presented cutting-edge, visual analyses to the CEO twice monthly. The visualizations revealed important
trends in the business unknown to senior management, despite being published in many reports throughout the company. Presenting the trends in a new, highly visual yet simple way made them unmistakably obvious. One analysis showed a need to focus on a micro-segment of the business. Acting on the new information, the CEO announced to the shareholders that the company was going to change the direction of the business to focus on the micro-segment.
Created and implemented operational dashboards. The dashboards provided instant insight for Advanta’s
collectors by providing them with relevant and timely information, allowing them to instantly identify and
apply appropriate pressure points to improve their efficiency. The group using the dashboard did 30% better
than the group without the dashboard.
Developed critical success factor tracking dashboards for new customer acquisition programs. The dashboards
were shared with the CEO and other senior executives every week. The new dashboards provided insights into
early indicators of profitability, like spend and payment behavior, allowing senior management to quickly
identify unsuccessful programs and either eliminate or alter them. Prior tracking efforts on new customer
acquisitions were laden with numbers and tables and were not highly actionable.
Director of Financial Analytics and SAS Administrator, November 2003 - September 2007
Managed a team of business intelligence/data analysts who monitored and optimized interest and fee income via
targeted data mining, analytics and new information.
Implemented an automated tracking platform to monitor nearly $1 billion of interest income. The new
platform used SAS/SQL to fully automate the email distribution of mission critical portfolio income metrics to the CFO 10 hours earlier each day. By getting the information so much earlier, the CFO was able to know first thing each morning how the largest driver of income was measuring up compared to forecast.
Devised new analytics that uncovered a $20MM (3%) increase in the 2007 interest forecast. The new analytics
segmented the drivers of interest income in a way that prior MIS failed to, causing a revision of the old
forecast upward.
Developed and implemented enhancements to reprice and promotional balance generation programs resulting
in $18MM in incremental interest income over 3 years

Created a relational database that segmented promotional balances and interest from non-promotional. The
new database led to improved forecasting of interest and customer-level profitability modeling.
Director of Information Management, June 2000 - October 2003
Focused on improving ways to use data in critical areas like new customer acquisitions and finance.
Negotiated a $2 million reduction (16%) in credit bureau costs while increasing the quantity and accessibility of
data captured through prescreen and back-end credit bureaus.
Identified and integrated a rich source of data that, for the first time ever, allowed the company to accurately
track key metrics to profitability. Six years later this data source is still key to most financial analytics in the
Integrated cardholder transaction-level data into the data warehouse. Intelligent use of the data resulted in a
40% increase in response rates on specific offers.
Director of Acquisitions, July 1998 - May 2000
Drove improvements to the customer acquisition process via improved tracking, reporting, and reduced timelines
using business intelligence/data analysis techniques.
Established automated daily campaign tracking using Visual Basic, SAS/SQL, and Excel. The reports enabled
the decision support and marketing departments to read test results and make decisions 1 week earlier than
Reduced campaign timeline by 5 days (15%) by combining two separate processes at the credit bureaus. This
step also allowed Advanta to remove duplicate names mailed, saving the company $800K annually.
Increased marketable universe by 40% by incorporating Equifax and Trans Union into the prescreen campaign
Manager of Adaptive Control Strategies (ACS), February 1998 - June 1998
Managed Analysts who designed and implemented models to impact credit line increase and decrease programs.
Developed and implemented a credit line increase program on 475K customers in coordination with an
external vendor (First Data Resources) and 3 departments within Fleet.
Oversaw the acquisition of an outside credit card portfolio into Fleet’s portfolio. Managed the credit line,
portfolio assignments, reissue, and delinquency strategies of the new customers.
ADVANTA CONSUMER CREDIT CARDS: Senior Analyst, Prescreen Acquisitions Analyst,Senior
Fraud Investigator

The Pennsylvania State University, World Campus
Master’s level certificate in Applied Statistics-expected graduation in 2011
2nd Place, September 2009 International Excel Dashboard Competition
Judged by XLCubed software
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Graduated in 1991 with BA Journalism, History Minor
Software Expertise: SAS Certified Professional with more than 15 years SAS experience
(base/macro/graph/stat/ODS), SQL, JMP, Oracle, Excel (VBA), UNIX, Panopticon, Tableau, ARCInfo (GIS
tool from ESRI), PowerPoint, Word
Training: Visual Business Intelligence Workshop (Stephen Few), SAS Macro Programming, JMP v7, Database
Design and Theory

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