Cześć! Przygotowuje się właśnie do matury z angielskiego i potrzebuje waszej pomocy. Bo przy robieniu testów wszystko jest świetnie, tylko mam problem ze sprawdzeniem gramatyki w pracach pisemnych. Byłabym więc wdzięczna, gdyby ktoś mógłby to dla mnie zrobić. (nie ma raczej błędów w pisowni, bo większość słów sprawdzałam w słowniku)
1) Ogłoszenie (sprawdzenie czy jest poprawnie)
I'm student of first year of Art and my friend is student of second year of Maths. We both work as waitress.
We are renting a flat for 3 person. We are looking for someone nice and funny, who would like to live with us.
The flat is not so small. There are two bedrooms, kitchen with cooker and fridge, bathroom with bath. The walls are yellow, only in bathroom the walls are white.
If you are interested you can come on Friday about 7 p.m.
2) List do koleż
W tym tekście proszę o ocenę formy (0-2p), bogactwa językowego (0-2p), poprawności językowej (0-2p)
Hi Kathe
How are you? Last week it was New Year's Day and my classmate organized great party. We danced on the hotel's roof and sang old song. At midnight we drank fizz and watched the sky. I had great time, but with you it would be better.
I hope that at this year I pass my exam and I meet great boyfriend. I would like to invite you on Polish Easter. When you came, we can go to the church for a mess or to the park looking for chocolate eggs.
You shoult take basket, because then we put food into this and priest will be blessing this. And you should packed umberella, because on Monday everyone can pour wather on you, it is Polish tradion. I think we will be having funny and we will be gossip all days.
The best way to get to Poland is take a plane from London to Poznań, but you have to remember book ticket earlier.
See you soon
Your lover