I don't have enough confidence to change careers or start a new business.Be willing to take baby steps. With each action your confidence will build. If your lack of confidence is keeping you from even taking a baby step find a Life Coach to work with you on building that confidence. Change the beliefs about yourself that are holding you back and you will take steps you never thought possible!8. I should just be happy where I am.Whenever I hear a "should" I know that compromise is nearby! It is important to follow your intuition and inner guidance.
Being unhappy in a career is often a red flag from your wise self sayingHealth Fitness Articles, "Listen up! It is time to head a different direction."9. I don't want to do anything forever.This is a common theme from a true idea person. This type of person has so many great ideas that it is hard to stick with just one. The key to success is picking one idea and growing it into a successful career or business then and only then is it time to move to the next great idea. You don't have to stick with it forever!10. All the good opportunities are gone.You don't have to be the first one to do something! Most successful businesses and careers are built by modeling what others have already done well. There are always fabulous opportunities if you are willing to open your eyes and see.
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